Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cue The Camel And ...

 Cue the camel and go ... it's HumpDay and dang, I do love Wednesdays. Wednesdays are the benchmark by which Americans measure out the work week. Mondays suck. Tuesdays are just as bad. Bad as Mondays of course. Wednesdays are the halfway mark and Thursdays are sort of a gray area of noncommittal and then ... and then Fridays and the weekend is on. Sleep in Saturday as Saturday morning would be recovering from a Friday night binge. Sundays are dreadful. Dreading the return of Monday. Oh what a vicious cycle of mundane banality that takes hold of average Joe American and therefore slavery is kept alive and for real in postmodern America 2024. Enslaved to a mortgage. Enslaved to credit cards. Sadly enslaved to all those annoying handheld devices that turn postmodern Americans into techno-zombies that wander the streets unaware of the coming and goings of life. Existential banality and a truly sad existential state of affairs. And yet ... life drags on slowly so grindingly slow and wears any American down until the sleep provided by death seems an enjoyable change of pace. Cynically droll oh yes. Now for Wednesday machine art. No need to cue the camel, the camel is ready and off stage right.

macabeth -

spinx -

ancient -

sumner -

bristlecone -

hanging -

solitary -

political demise -

gone by most americans and unnoticed, this nation is already "at civil war." this nation has been at "civil war" for as long as I can remember. 😐

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