Thursday, May 16, 2024

Quantum Existential Entanglement ... Or

 All life begins at the quantum level. One subatomic thingy subsumes another subatomic thingy and before anyone can shake off the jizz and Schrodinger's cat is out of the box, well, sperm injects itself into ovum and life begins. Across the biological spectrum for the most part, is how all this shit is begun. Of course "shit" would encompass life as it is and NOT how the human species paints a very surrealistic interpretation of existence. Humans rarely are able to agree to the terms of biological determinism. Biological determinations do NOT encompass existence as it is and not as the way biological human would define itself and/or other life. Ergo we find ourselves entering into the kingdom of banality. The very unoriginal and uninspired terms of human endearment. From way back in that quantum subatomic entanglement up to and including the arrival of human experience, we are all of us wrapped tightly into a very mundane and banal feedback loop that is ... life as we know it. OR ... life as the human thinks it should be. Banality thou art a heartless and cruel bitch. Thus endeth the sermon for today. Now for the very real and tangibly so, Thursday machine art.

cantina -

broken bale -

adhesion -

arkadia -

boldly -

struck -

won't be too awfully much longer and people will be able to purchase quantum makeup for that not quite acceptable appearance. you will love how your features change at the subatomic level. 😎

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