Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Vice President Said ... What?

 The Vice President of these United States of America, one Ms. Kamala Harris, while giving a speech to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Associations, surprised the crowd by advising young Americans in attendance to "kick the fucking doors in" and that so's the young'uns can breakdown barriers that might keep them from advancing in life. Yes, the Veep used the 'fuck-bomb' to shock listeners and make certain the audience was paying close attention to what America's Veep had to say. American politicians in important office and not so important office regularly use profanity to make their point. Democraps, Republicons, crazy-ass mouth breathers, and batcrap crazy women politicians from Colorado and Georgia swear like truck drivers. And then there's trump. Trump tosses out fuck-bombs on a regular basis as does America's current and sitting President Joe Biden. It's not a big deal. However, media outlets of just about any persuasion are taking a hypocritical and high-minded approach in reporting on Ms. Harris and her dropping the old fuck-bomb on young people. I'm more than certain that the young people could teach America's Vice President a thing or more about proper time and usage of fuck-bombs and any other conceivable vulgarity known to postmodern humanity. So life rolls awkwardly on and on and ... Now it's time for Tuesday machine art. Judas Fucking H. Priest and thank some diety for our First Amendment right to drop the fuck-bombs and worse.

handy -

barren -

duplicity -

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glades 2 -

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after all these years you'd think that witnessing American hypocrisy might get a little easier to tolerate. not a chance. it is more than galling to speak out against all the dang wrongs that are these United States of America and yet, nothing changes. some real bullshit there boy. 1st Amendment cha-cha no doubt ... 😐

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