Sunday, May 26, 2024

Life With Taylor Swift Is ...

 Life with this mega-maxi-super-quantum celebrity woman is constant pain. Yes my friends, Taylor Swift and her surrounding celebrity universe of fame, glory, paparazzi, pressure, fashion, luxury suites, football sweeties, planes, trains (?), chauffeur driven automobiles, and pain. Constant debilitating pain. Pain so intense that it causes the sufferer to remain, for the most part, motionless. The sufferer living in constant pain with Taylor Swift is her cat. Actually two cats, of three, that are of a rare breed called a Scottish fold. Ms. Swift has three cats that are Ms. Swift's family. Well, besides her football squeeze. The football squeeze is a Kansas City Chief tight end and the football guy owns two, or is it three, NFL championship rings. The team gets the Lombardi trophy. Irrelevant. Back to life in constant pain and Taylor Swift. The Scottish fold cats are a genetic mutation that brings a cat into conflict with existence and 'vida en constant dolor' becomes existential angst. The "existential" is courtesy of French Catholic Philosopher Gabriel Marcel who (whom?) coined the term sometime in the mid-1940's. Lots of existential angst happening back then. Anyway, Ms. Swift is special enough to be able to own two cats that live in constant pain and Ms. Swift is perfectly content to have and to hold (?) two genetic mutant cats AND her NFL football sweetie that brings our Ms. Diva much joy and sports related fanfare regardless of how her cats feel about life, the universe, and everything. Okay so, take a breath and forgive several run-on sentences AND now it's time for Sunday machine art. 

chorus -

revo -

neon -

au pears -

twins -

strands -

flowing -

better 2 -

there is a movement a foot to get the Scottish fold cat breed outlawed across the board and across our globe. poor dang cats suffer extensively. well except for Swift's cats. they get a special if not extra special veterinary pain free (?) existence. existentially of course. 😐

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