Friday, May 10, 2024

The Worm Ate Into His Brain

 I'm on about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and not Pink Floyd. So according to Kennedy Jr., well, he's got this brain worm see, and the entire affair is medically documented so there. Anyway, the brain worm caused the collateral damage involved with his (Kennedy Jr.'s) mental acuity and is therefore all the fault of the medically documented "brain worm" and Kennedy Jr, is supposed to be given some slack on account of he, Kennedy Jr., is not all there. However Kennedy Jr. is never alone. He has his brain worm (now allegedly) dead to keep him company. Sort of sounds like the stuff of a creepy cheap thrills movie, versions 1 - 6. Kennedy Jr. is running for President on a third party non affiliated with anyone in particular candidacy, and Kennedy Jr. tends to spit out all manner of crazy-assed and ridiculous drivel that gives the Kennedy clan the running denials of "he is not one of us anymore and has not been for sometime." Bottomline here would be, we've got one crazy-ass old guy that is given to fits of material support of Israeli terrorism and genocide, one treasonous and felonious old orange colored almost baboon that is also a seditious if not outright conspiratorial dickwad, and then there's RFK Jr. that is close to being half a brain shy of a full frontal lobe that occasionally defies what most folk consider as normal. Or reasonably close. That my friends is political trifecta election cycle 2024. Yes ... America is, for the most part, screwed. However, I think that most cognizant Americans already were fully aware of the predicament we're in at present. Now for our Friday machine art portion of today's screed.

outback -

mask -

rafah -

summer -

pals -

sitting -

metro -

vagio -

you won't find any of Kennedy Jr.'s children out on the campaign stump with their daddy. RFK Jr. creeps his children out so badly, they got together and got a restraining order from a Massachusetts judge that is in tight with the "official" Kennedy clan and there you go. Jr.'s kids won't have too long to wait for the daddy RFK Jr.'s demise. He's a Kennedy after all and we all know how things work out for Kennedys. 😐

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