Friday, June 30, 2023

Back To The Days Of Yore (not Eyore)

The United States Supreme Court, SCROTUMS for short, has issued a "supreme decree" that the entire United States of America shall return to the heady days of Jim Crow. On a more serious note, something needs to be done about the "conservative majority" on the bench currently holding sway and directing how law shall be enforced in EVERYONES America. This incarnation of inquisitors is ramming their conservative bias down our throats and enough is more than ENOUGH! Here I thought the news had grown tedious and boring. Well... SURE AS HELL NOT NOW!!! I'm thinking it might be time for President Joe to issue his very own Executive Order 9066 to deal with conservatives, evangelicals, maga acolytes, retarded lunatics, AND Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her bitch girlfriend Lauren Boebert. This afternoon should produce even more shocking rulings from America's SCROTUMS. 

Friday machine art -

graffiti -

fog -

egret -

dolphins -

doorway -

winslows -

the SCROTUMS finish their 'term' on the last Friday in June. the fuckers will be making for parts unknown until October. just a heads up... 😏

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Not So Much So...

 Breaking news affecting real people seems a mite sketchy at the present time SO... I'm gonna plug my machine art for the next while and maybe more than that. Thursday is up right about now.

gather -

life by the drop -

cha-cha -

push me pull you -

vincent -

horse -

art is the universal music that soothes the human beast. ☺

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Humpty Dump Trump

 Random blah blah blah for a Wednesday. In an almost shocking decision by the SCROTUMS (supreme court), the bench ruled that states do NOT have the right to interfere in federal elections. Or state elections for that matter. Surprise surprise surprise. In a shocking twist of epic failure, the Jeopardy program made a serious error in ruling against an answer of "Titan orbits Saturn." Amy Farrah Bialek insisted that Titan orbits Neptune. Wrong wrong so very damn wrong. Titan orbits Saturn and the Jeopardy team should have known that as should have Bialek. Alex Trebek would have given Bialek and the Jeopardy panel of judges a severe thumbs down for such a glaring error. To say that I was shocked is a bit of an understatement. I fired off a serious angry email to the Jeopardy folks. Damn sorry state of Jeopardy affairs no doubt. Now for Wednesday machine art. Titan orbits Saturn goddamn it!

mr. turnip -

wonder -

kafka-esque -

mythos -

see u -

I have to wonder at times how in hell republicans can give trump money, support, cover, and respect. it does seem that overall general intelligence has come up sorely lacking. 😖

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Incredible Human Shrinking Brain

 A shocking new discovery made public on the web page '' and authored by J. M. Stibel, finally reveals the fact that humans are evolutionarily stupid due to a shrinking human brain. The guy can state that because he's studied the human cranium for quite some time and is an authoritative voice for the hard fact that humans just aren't up to speed. Intelligence wise. Further proof is found by studying Republicans in general and girlies such as Majorie Taylor-Greene and the silly twat from Colorado and that would be Lauren Boebert. Also, current Speaker-Of-The-House McCarthy, the ridiculously insipid Gaetz of Florida, and the staggeringly dimwitted Gomert of Texas are also included as case in point. It has been scientifically proven that generally, men are significantly more stupid than women and I'm fairly certain that fact was established some years back. The scientifically hard yet truthful article was published in the scientific publication named aptly, 'Brain, Behavior, and Evolution'. Available now at your local brainiac booksellers and at any British library, You will need a British library card to grab a hold of the B, B, & E. Okay now that we're all up to speed on the stupid issue, we shall mosey over to the Tuesday machine art section of today's posting. Y'alls a dang wonderful audience. Yes indeedy.

farm -

aftermath -

oddity (not MTG) -

garden -

skin -

speaking of stupid and MTG, the silly-assed woman stated on Monday that she's fairly convinced that her television is spying on her. someone should hold an intervention for the retard cow or at the very least call up the nice guys wearing those impressive white coats and that carry really large nets. MTG is in serious need of a heavily sedated time-out in a padded cell. 😏

Monday, June 26, 2023

Damn...That Really Sucks!

 A worker at the San Antonio International Airport was sucked into a jet engine on Friday evening last. A Delta Air Lines jet plane was idling on the airport taxiway when a ground worker "intentionally walked in front of the jet plane and was ingested into one of the running engines of the jet." Dang....don't you just hate it when that happens? That would really suck. Pun intended. There was no mention as to IF that airport worker was drunk or high or whatever. I suppose none of that hardly matters now. A public announcement was made over the San Antonio International Airport's PA system and is quoted as having stated, "clean up on aisle 9..." Yikes!!! Now we'll get this week started off with a mutiny, a ground meat cleanup, and Monday machine art.

tonic -

weasels rip that flesh...jet engines will do the same -

cruel summer -

guitar -

mineral mountains -

the airport crew that had to clean that jet engine and the immediate surrounding area behind the suspect jet engine really earned their paychecks Friday night. yikes!!! 😖

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Mutiny... Don't That Beat All

 Some mercenary general that happens to command a mercenary army fighting for Russia in the Russian illegal war of naked aggression on Ukraine, mercenary general's name is Prigozhen, decided to turn his army on Russia and that turn spooked the bejesus out of Vlad Putin and the president of Belarus stepped in to broker a truce between Prigozhen and Putin. Go figure. Western media mavens went absolutely nuts over this unforeseen turn of events. So, the 'alleged' mutiny took the media hosers by complete surprise and they scrambled hither and yon trying to understand how in hell they could have missed this surprise. No answers from western media acolytes have surfaced so far. Surprise surprise surprise. Stay tuned for whatever happens next. Now for our sabbath day's machine art.

Pandora's box domicile -

stampede! -

dream a little -

applause -

how to -

evidently, the bookies in Vegas are taking bets on exactly when Vlad Putin mysteriously disappears. I put ten bucks on next Wednesday... ☺

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Implosion Goes...Crunch!

 Doesn't it just suck when you fork over $250,000.00 dollars and that is United States dollars, to take a "joyride" to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to see up close and personal the wreck of the doomed ocean liner 'Titanic', and the dang submersible you're in implodes. You know how when you step on an empty beer can, or soda can, with all your weight and that can goes...SQUISH? That's sort of like how that submersible went at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The jury-rigged submersible was made out of some kind of carbon fiber skin that was alleged to be able to withstand the steel-crushing pressures of the deep sea. So now...NOW!!!...all manner of "I told you so" nay-sayers are chiming in with profound second-guessing of the trip to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to see the Titanic. I'm thinking that the nay-saying and hold-on-a-minute sentiments should have started about a full week prior to the doomed submersible's plunge to the bottom of the Atlantic and its most certain imploding demise. At least a week. At the top of the voice protest. So it has been reported that there isn't enough left of that submersible to salvage. Any human remains that haven't been torn to tiny bits by the implosion have been gratefully consumed by Atlantic's bottom feeders. Yes, there is life at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and life has evolved to exist under deep-sea pressures and environments. Down to the sea in imploding submersibles. Sounds like the folks on that submersible certainly got more than they'd paid for. $250,000.00 dollars seems almost like a "fair price" for a burial at sea. Or maybe not. Now for Saturday machine art. Don't go anywhere near the bottom of any dang ocean.

found -

gate -

harlem -

pastoral -

valley -

the work of Terry Gilliam -

I've been a fan of Gilliam AND the Monty Python assemblage since the 60's. 😆

Friday, June 23, 2023

Mama Said Knock You Out!!!

 In a somewhat "shocking" if not wholly ridiculous headline found on the CBS News webpage, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are planning a no-holds-barred death match in a Vegas Octagon UFC bout that should be one serious laugh riot. Are people actually going to pay to view this farce? The short answer would be, bets are being taken in Vegas on whether the "bout" will actually take place and who (should that read whom) might be declared the winner. The story is as ridiculous as when Vince McMahon was scheduled to fight Donny 'golden showers' Trump. That was pro wrestling after all. McMahon and Trump did NOT actually fight. They did however perform manly strokes of mutual masturbation after their alleged bout in the squared circle. That's wrassling for you. As for Musk vs Zuckerberg, I don't care. Judas H. Priest...what billionaires won't do for a buck. Now for something a shade more substantive. Friday machine art is up right about now.

gothic -

idea -

spies -

fetal -

intuit -

if suckerberg and musk actually do come to blows, may the better billionaire win one for the gipper... 😏

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Catfight On The Floor!

 Political comity is dead. Dead and very soon to be buried along with the survivor of the MTG vs Boebert feud. A feud so brutally catty as to lay to rest the caning incident incurred in the years prior to America's Civil War. (Senator Chuck Sumner is viciously caned on floor of US Senate on May 22, 1856) Google a recounting of that ugly dustup. So, Marjorie Taylor-Greene was working on articles of impeachment legislation on account of MTG really hates the ground walked on by President Joe. Turns out the Boebert from Colorado woman already had legislation in her hand on the same subject as MTG. Catfight commences with MTG calling Boebert a "bitch" on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. The women had their hackles up and were ready to do the violent cha-cha. Boebert responded to MTG, "I'm a bitch? You Georgia peanut-skinned cow, I'll knock the tits right off'n your fat self!" It's been reported that cooler heads prevailed and some anonymous congressman stepped in between the sparring girls and risked his very life in the process of getting in the middle of two women about ready to scratch eyes out. Now you know what the U.S. Congress is up to. Simple trailer trash bullshit. What a disgrace. Now for Thursday machine art. No catfighting allowed... please.

passage -

the demise of cluster -

suffer -

atlas -

Mojave primrose -

I think that Boebert and MTG should have been allowed to settle their bitch right on the floor of the House. hell, the dummies can't do any legitimate work for 'we the people' so let them scratch the eyes out of one another and be done with them. 😏

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

200,000 Bolts...Dang!

 Back in January 2022, a volcano erupted from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean pretty darn near the island nation of Tonga. Yes sir the Tongan people felt that eruption for real. That eruption turned out to be one of the single most gigantic volcanic eruptions in quite some time. The Tongan people aptly named their new volcano "Hunga Tonga" which translated from the Tongan language means 'that's a damn large volcano'. Volcanologists have confirmed that the Tongan eruption was one for the books. The books on volcanology. So...the ash cloud produced by Hunga Tonga was seen from space and there are space pictures to prove the point. Additionally, the Hunga Tonga volcano had one enormous lightning storm with that ash cloud and the ash cloud produced almost 200,000 bolts of lightning. Yup, that is a lot of lightning. Here is photographic proof of the number of lightning bolts coming up right about now -

The tiny blue dots are markers that indicate where the lightning struck. If a reader has ever had the privilege of seeing a lightning storm in or around Darwin, Australia then the size of the Tongan eruptive event with lightning pretty much says all that needs be said. Or written as the case may require. The lightning storm was a beauty. No worries, eh? Turns out I didn't even need to book passage to Tonga to see the geophysical beauty of a birthing volcano. Still, being up close and personal would have been a bucket list top of that list thing to behold. Oh yes. Now for Wednesday machine art. Sorry, no volcanos today.

beetle-legged woman -

emmylou -

nothing -

serengeti -

gargolean -

arise was heard to be said -

there are any number of volcanos scattered about the Mojave. not a one of those volcanos is active. dang if'n that doesn't about figure. 😏