Sunday, May 5, 2024

May's The Farce ...

 In case you missed it, Saturday was a Star Wars celebration on account of Saturday being May the 4th. I've always considered the SW celebration to be more than a little trite if not comprehensively brain dead. However, given my lifelong fascination with Wednesdays and Humpday, I can usually cut the Jedi fanatics some slack. Our world is faced with way more serious difficulties than any goofy May the 4th nonsense. I find student protesting Israel's crimes against Palestinian humanity along with all the bloody genocide to be reassuring in these are shared days of madness. That's all I've got. Up with the students and shameful derision on Biden and his insane material support of Israeli war crimes. Now for Sunday machine art.

circadian -

why -

magical -

magik -

wonder -

osprey -

paradise -

jay too -

I'm firmly of the opinion that summer 2024 is going to be one bumpy ride. hang on to your butts kids, we're in for a national spectacle America hasn't seen for a number of years. 😐

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