Tuesday, April 30, 2024

1968 All Over Again

 Someone must have told Peabody's boy Sherman to set the 'wayback machine' to 1968 and so it goes. Student protests regarding Israel's war of naked aggression on Palestinians and America's material support of Israeli terrorism is spreading like a carpet bombing campaign and university administration's are having to defend their financial investments in Israeli war machinery and use thereof. So harkening back to the days AND the ways of old, university and college administrations are calling on law enforcement to root out the protesters that have set up tent encampments and refuse to "move as instructed" by the goon squads and so ... police brutality reveals the true intent of the "system" that does not allow dissent in any form or shape regarding how any university or college conducts it's business. And especially regarding the monies. Policing 'goon squads' are forming up and decking themselves out in the latest high tech military killing gear and are ready to "crack heads, break arms, legs, spines, and whatever else can be broken inside the human body. Student men and women are taken down hard with goon squad knees planted firmly on backs and that little maneuver limits a person's ability to breathe. All this hostility is by design and is being enforced and championed by political leadership regardless of political affiliation. Democrats, Republicans, and dog murdering asshats in South Dakota are butchering students with impunity. Turns out, Israeli style military/policing terrorism works on Palestinians AND American students. About the only thing missing here in Amerika would be the use of firearms by law enforcenent. For now anyway. Having seen the photographs from the University of Texas, it won't be long before the goon squads open fire on students and someone will need to begin a body count that will serve as warning to "other students to don't." Not join any goddamn protest movement. My only advice to offer to the students would be, be nonviolent in ALL your protesting. You'll not be able to stand for long in the face of unleashed and encouraged police rioting. That rioting is what the goon squads train for and look forward to. Yes my friends, you're going to love living 1968 all over again. Or not ... Now for Tuesday machine art. Oh yes and, in Indiana the law enforcement gestapo is stationing "snipers in strategic locations" so be advised.

twinkle -

solar -

stalks -

oasis -

sands of time -

antwerp -

I didn't think we'd have to go through this manner of bullshit again. 1968, George Bush's wars of naked aggression on Afghanistan then Iraq, and now it's Israel and the Israeli war crimes against Palestinian humanity. oh boy, we's about to have us some fun oh yeah ... 😐

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