Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memorial Day Con ...

 PBS holds a "Memorial Day Concert" the day before Memorial Day and has done so for years. PBS "honors all those that have served and made the ultimate sacrifice" to these here United States of America. Alrighty then. So what this "Memorial Day Concert" actually is ... is a maudlin if not hypocritical overdose of pseudo-patriotic hookum. I generally refuse to even so much as acknowledge this hubristic display of bullshit. However, this year I got caught midstream and caught the end of the display while waiting for another program on PBS. The MDC marched out every last branch of the U.S. military ... color guards, flags, chiefs of staff, chiefs of the military branches HOWEVER, not the CIA's secret army, not the FBI's goon squads of military snipers and SWAT teams, nor the Coast Guard. Seems a dang shame that the Coast Guard gets the short shaft on PBS's grandiose panorama of crap-o-la and flashlights. Yes flashlights. I'm not certain what flashlights might have to do with Memorial Day. But this was the closing ceremony and by golly every last soul in attendance to this urge to vomit televised spectacle had a working flashlight. The crowd was urged to light up those flashlights and join in singing the American standard ... "God Bless America." It was right at this point and on cue that the suspect channel broadcasting this stinker was switched to the off signature. I am always curious as to why any "god" would "bless" America when there is so much heavily bloodied sanctimonious hubris to go around this nation at least several dozen times. With more left on a table untouched. I'm waiting for "god" to hold America to account just ONCE!!! Now for Tuesday machine art. The PBS puke-fest even featured Lieutenant Dan. What an asshat.

musico -

pole up -

graphic -

cultish -

run II -

mirrors -

camera -

stretch -

I've been told that I am unAmerican and "icky" ... I'm alright with that. IF being "American" is anything like what gets broadcast on the PBS stinkfest, well, okay. 😎

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