Friday, May 24, 2024

Priestly Duties ... Bite Woman

 St. Cloud, Florida and breaking Catholic news. A Catholic priest working a communion mass while attempting to offer the "body of Christ" took offense to a woman obviously NOT Catholic, and so the priest put a bite on the woman and police were called in to sort out all the biting related details. The Diocese that rules St. Cloud, Florida issued a statement that exonerated the priest and excoriated the woman who was bit. I'm thinking the Catholic priest took his communion mass just a mite too seriously. Priest ate the "body of Christ" and then tried to "eat the woman by taking a bite out of her arm." Details of this really bizarre "catholic incident" can be read here -

The Diocese refused to answer further questions sticking to their statement that their priest was merely defending the communion mass. By taking a bite out of the woman. Lawsuits will follow and it will take a modest amount of time passing before both sides are "forgiven for venal weakness." I've always held Catholics with a modicum of suspicion. After all, those Catholic priests do like to prey on altar boys. See what I did there? I wrote "prey" instead of "pray." Funny no doubt. So besides the glaring pedophilia among those priesty boys, now there is a blossoming tendency to eat parishioners. Vampirism and now literal cannibalism. You know cause the Catholics and especially the priests like that drinking the blood of Christ. So with our daily serving of comedy, now it's time for that Friday machine art. Please leave cups of blood outside upon entering the Skulzwerks sanctuary.

wires -

tall -

head -

pander -

twister -

posse -

western -

mumbles -

I'm gonna get another nasty letter from the Pope chiding me for busting on his priests. se la vie ... 😏

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