Thursday, May 30, 2024

Found It ...

 I found the converter that calculates air tempertature times humidity level to actual "feels like" temperatures and that is the air you might live in. Okay so, the National Weather Service has a webpage titled Weather Prediction Center and there's a calculator there and all you do is enter the air temperature using Fahrenheit OR Celsius, enter the relative humidity, then hit the calculate button and PRESTO then just like magic you'll get the 'feels like' air temperature. So with today's forecast in Pakistan and I'm not sure if "today's forecast" is for Wednesday or actually Thursday on account of Pakistan is on the other side of our Planet Earth. Whatever. So I entered the ambient air temperature using Fahrenheit because that's all I know. Celsius is one of those goofy dang metric systems and, well, fuck that. Anyway, at 118 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 28% you can expect the actual air you might be living in at 139 degrees Fahrenheit. That is not a joke or a crock of hooey. Pakistanis and just about anyone else living around that part of our Planet Earth are cooking and cooking literally to death. 139 degrees is too freaking hot to breath. Human lungs were not designed to operate efficiently at an air temperature that extreme. Mexico City is having the same dang issues with their climate as well. Killing the howler monkeys, bats, birds, insects, mariachis, taco vendors, to top all of that bullshit off, Mexico City is experiencing a drought and will run out of water PDQ. PDQ translates to 'pretty dang quick'. So it is safe to say that our Planet Earth is in serious climate change and there's not a dang thing can be done to remedy that. Not now. It's too late and our global climate is changing way too quickly to effect any sort of meaningful fix. A global fix should have been started 100 years ago. Our world's leaders are arguing to date over whether there really is "climate change." I think it might be a good idea to send our world's "leaders" to Pakistan/India and then Mexico City for a week long visit and they'll get to experience life as our world is coming to know it first hand. Sweat little political piggies ... sweat with no relief. Stupid freaks anyway. Now for Thursday machine artware. New air conditioner donations can be made to Pakistan "Help Us Please It's Fucking Hot" c/o Embassy for the Nation of Pakistan, Washington, D.C. at 3517 International Court NW Washington Avenue 20008. I think.

mother -

horses -

steam -

fall -

grazing -

taproot -

pipe -

cruella -

these extreme weather conditions will only get worse. I'd like to be able to wish future generations a happy and welcoming world. things really do NOT look so promising as it all stands at present. 😐

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