Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hot ... It's Damn Hot

 For all those annoying skeptics in denial about global climate change, have a lookit at the countries bordering the northern beaches of the Indian Ocean. It's hot and I mean you'll not be able to breathe hot. So, near as I can do the feels like math, at a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity is at say 80%, well, that would feel like 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes! The section of our world experiencing hellacious ambient air temps at present would be Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and on eastward around the Indian Ocean. Which I might have mentioned previous. That part of our world receives really high humidity levels and add in screaming hot air temperatures, you'll most likely croak. It isn't just east Asia, nope. Mexico has been feeling the heat and that heat is killing the howler monkeys. Poor little critters are falling out of the trees they usually live on. All this heat isn't just an Asian or Mexican phenomena, southeast United States is experiencing tornado activity unlike any tornado outbreak heretofore recorded in weather history. Midwest hot plus Midwest humidity and after doing the meteorological math, thunder storms that produce killer tornados and those killer tornados wreak havoc on a countryside. Killing innocent enough Midwest people that live in "Tornado Alley." By choice. So this year's tornado season is off to one roaring start and hurricane season is just set to crank up June 1, 2024. Climate change is real and the climate change is mucking shit up all over our world. Get used to it ... this is the "new" normal. Now for Wednesday machine artsoftware. You see, I'm changing the wording used. Because I can. Someone please cue the camel.

madonna -

hottie -

lonely -

finger -

broke -

barren -

cryptic -

window -

I live in the Mojave Desert and about end of May sliding into June and on to about end September, air temperatures routinely clock in about 110 to 115 and that's Fahrenheit of course. humidity is about routinely 1%. dry heat isn't so bad. it's hot mind you but not the kind of hot like Pakistan and India and there abouts are feeling. the heat will kill you IF you aren't living by desert rules. hydrate and hydrate routinely throughout the day. I'm not so certain that one can hydrate effectively with elevator like humidity. 😐

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