Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Ghost Of Joseph McCarthy

 Yes my friends, the actual ghost of disgraced U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy (now dead and long so for years) has been freed from the depths of "red scare death" and boldly stalks the halls and hallowed hills of the U.S. Capitol Building agitating and provoking ignorant and unlearned congresspeople into scaring the bejesus out of American citizens and causing political blindness within President Joe, (namesake of the original Joe), Biden's administration. The return of Ghost McCarthy, besides dredging up an ugly chapter of semi-recent American history, recalls the "red scare and black listing" of decent Americans from all corners and walks of American life. Google up a quick search of the glorious America in the 1950's and you'll find ample record of McCarthy and the evil that son-of-a-bitch caused a war weary America. Dang "commies" were embedded all over our America. Dang "commie" bastards! So fast forward to now and the "red scare" has evolved over time to become "antiSemitism" and bleeding gefilte fish on a cracker, people of all manner of American colorings are twisting themselves into unleavened knots of bagels and/or pretzels being ever so pro-Israel. Americans really don't give a shit about Israel or Jews. The hysteria is mostly for show and fits a media narrative about pro-Palestinian protesters on university and college campuses and so with Israel waging a war of naked aggression on the West Bank and Gaza, destroying thousands of lives and Palestinian property, American media has taken up the Israeli cause and supports this evolving war crime, genocide, massacre, and whatever ... so any issued raised in opposition to Israeli madness is verboten! You see President Joseph 'genocide Joe' Biden vehemently supports the Israeli/Zionist cause and provides all the military armament, ammunitions, bombs, missiles, and crap like that there for the Israelis and all the Israelis have do is use all that military hardware on an unarmed and innocent Palestinian people and fuck any reference to the crimes of Hamas. A one-sided bullshit disguised as casus belli. The "ghost of Joseph McCarthy" seems to be really enjoying the hype, histrionics, and pulpit shattering crap-o-la surrounding this current cover for massive war crimes with American support providing all the machinery necessary for industrial scale slaughter. Golly ... thanks Joe ... the both of you blood-soaked assholes! Now for Thursday machine art. And not to worry about the Palestinians, Biden has granted Benjamin Netanyahu a green light to finish his genocide on ALL Palestinians and Biden himself will "take care of those damnable pro-Palestinian student protesters himself."

run out -

dog & cat -

official -

warwagon -

at the edge of dystopia -

entropy -

vantage -

policy -

I like to use the Verdana font. clean, crisp, AND ... I like it. 😎

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