Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial ... Sure Sure

 Memorial Day 2024. Memorial Day originated as a federal holiday to remember and honor all military personnel that have died in service to these United States of America. Memorial Day is NOT about Indy cars. Is NOT about purchase of a new car. Is NOT about sofas, furniture in general, home appliances, the unofficial start of summer, family vacations, barbecues, and any if not all the bullshit rammed down the American throat that might suggest otherwise. All the peripheral bullshit is unAmerican AND unpatriotic. If anyone is about celebrating Memorial Day, celebrate the day correctly. All else is fake crap designed to separate you from your money. Now for Memorial and Monday machine art.

avia -

baptis -

pink -

obscura -

crown -

world -

front -

mulhall -

like so many of America's federal holidays and well, all holidays, the days are merely dressing on so much national hubris and hypocrisy. Americans are simply too lazy and accepting of lies to find out and learn real truth. 😐

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