Wednesday, March 31, 2021

40 Days In Wilderness New Jersey

 So here we are at the very last Wednesday in March 2021. There might not be another last Wednesday in March 2021...ever. That is a distinct probability. That also eliminates the need to chime in with that ever so inane 'Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike what day is it' schtick and yeah that was possibly getting old. It's a goody but an oldy.  So March is over and done and today's glaring headlines are about Matt Gaetz being investigated for having sex with a minor. The guy is certainly acting as if the allegations are true. I don't know and I really don't want to know any if not none of the ugly details. Yikes and allegations of sex with an underage minor provoke some serious church lady condemnations. Had Gaetz been having sex with an underage dolphin, well, no big deal. Best to just take your weight and move on. You know, after the heat dies down and you get yourself registered on that sex offenders list. Yikes... and yes Amerika is uptight and puritanical over any number of issues. With the exception of guns. Guns are a god given right for Amerikans and mass murder is another god given right granted to Amerikans on account of sex headlines aren't as popular as are mass murder headlines. Blood and gore makes for better reading than sexed up headlines and politicians. Oh yes, that Gaetz guy is a republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Uh-oh, that's some trouble there boy. Or girl. Whatever. So given the number of boring news stories and primetime media talking heads without anything sensational to prattle on about, the next senseless mass murder will occur about tomorrow at this time so stay the hell away from Walmart or Ralph's or Krogers or Sam's Sooper Mart or anywhere that innocent people will gather while going about their daily business. Why is it that anytime there's a mass shooting with that accompanying dead people motif and there is not one of those carry yer guns in public clowns and/or Second Amendment apostles around to fend off the mass shooter? Any number of pedophile politicians will carry on about how having a loaded Glock on your hip will save a day filled with mass shootings that will happen whether some bozo is carrying a loaded Glock or whatever. Shameless in Guntown. Yeah... now it's time for the last Wednesday in March 2021's machine art. There will be no explicit images of naked minors or gratuitous sexed up text messages. Nope.

intrusive -

woods can be a good place to hide out -

tomorrow is April Fools Day...hold on to your butts everybody... :]

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Water Floats Your Boat

 The Suez Canal is free, free at last, thank god-ah-might, free at last. The stuck container ship is unstuck and that's thanks in large part to an unnamed Egyptian youngster that posed the question, "why don't you all just pour more water into the canal?" And then PRESTO, the stuck container ship floats free. Gosh and I'll bet about two or three hundred hard pressed engineers didn't think of that. Thanks unnamed questioning Egyptian youngster, you've saved the day and the canal and global shipping concerns owe you a 'titanic' debt of gratitude. Get it? There's that comedy thingy again. 'Titanic' and floating boats? With a possible exception being the Titanic didn't float so well after being "breached" by that pointy damn iceberg. So and evidently, the stuck container ship got stuck in the Suez Canal on account of the wind blowing really ferociously (?) off the Sahara Desert, and blowing damn hard enough to "push" that annoyingly top heavy container cargo ship right into the sand on the shore of the Suez Canal. Damn, don't you just hate it when that happens. The wind was a blowing really hard out of the south just yesterday out on the Salt Flats and blew several big trucks and trailers over. On I-80 east and west bound. Dang, don't you just hate it when that happens. Got the interstate stuck. However the interstate being blocked by toppled big rigs isn't quite the same as blocking the only dang waterway that grants shipping concerns access to the world so the shipping concerns don't have to sail around Cape Agulhas or Cape of Needles if you don't understand the Portuguese. Yup, that'd be me. Anyway, I think that's what they call the very southern tip of Africa...'Cape Agulhas'. So it seems that little Egyptian kids were having some sport with that stuck shipping container ship and were throwing rocks and camel cakes at the stuck ship. Bless they little pointy heads and kids will be kids just about in any part of our painfully climate changed world. The guys on the stuck ship were yelling at the youngsters to quit throwing rocks and camel cakes at their stuck ship and the Egyptian kids simply told the guys on the ship to "piss off." Of course the youngsters were yelling in Arabic or possibly Egyptian and I'm not certain as to if there might be any difference language wise. The youngster were daring the guys on the trapped ship to come down off the ship and try to stop them from throwing shit and the guys manning that stuck container ship wanted none of those kids. The Egyptian youngsters did cheer however after all those genius engineer guys got the boat to float once again. Hurray and the global economy is SAVED! The entire episode was pretty damn funny. However, I'm not invested in any global shipping or engineering concerns so I really didn't care if the ship was unstuck or if the engineers figured they'd have to cut the container ship in half. I mean really... moving on to the machine art segment of today's program. 

wildlife in the surreal -

work work work work work will set you free and save the Suez Canal -

now that the container ship is unstuck I'm thinking somebody somewhere has some 'splainin' to do. :]

Monday, March 29, 2021

To Be Or Not To Let Be

 And there you have the quantum if not antithetical question of our time. Is it better to have existentialed or is it better to have ordered the double cheeseburger? Who knows and one answer might sound just as stupid as any other answer that might sound stupid. You can pick one but not the other. Yes my friends, I've got nothing for a Monday and so...prattle I will. Did you know that the trump is still whining about losing the election back in November of 2020? Well he is and talk about thrashing a dead horse. Trump needs a sound trashing but not any poor damn dead horse. Did you know that Amerika's BLM routinely beats on dead horses? Well they do. You see ranchers and the Bundy klan gripe almost around the clock at the BLM over wild horses grazing on open BLM rangeland. The wild horses can do that, the horses have been grazing on open rangeland since before any screwy dang white people showed up to fuck up the open rangeland and gripe to the BLM about the wild horses. Anyway the BLM routinely rounds up the wild horses and attempts to auction the horses off to the general public. Problem is, the "general public" that shows up to the BLM auctions are pet food producers and they claim the bulk of auctioned off wild horses. Bet you didn't know that you're feeding your pets wild horse meat. That's not chicken in the Kibbles. Yes life is quite fair for the pet food producers and trump supporters if not trump's crazy-ass self. As for wild horses, well, the future isn't so bright or fairy tale-like. Zane Grey where are you when we need you. Time for the machine art and leaving the harsh news about wild horses behind. Oh get it? I made the comedy. Wild horses behind? That's funny. Cruel but, funny. :/

surreal rug not made of horse hair -

day at a beach with no wild horses -

this the last week of March is off to a great start. or whatever...

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palms Sunday

Yes my friends, today is that very special Sunday when once a year the world is supposed to go out and plant palm trees. Problem is, the ship blocking the Suez Canal is mucking up the shipments of palm tress to our sorely in need Planet. Did you know that Egypt is our world's single most important exporter of palm trees? Well and evidently it is and here I thought all along that Arizona was our world's single most important grower and exporter of palm trees. I was ever so wrong about Arizona and palm trees. Go figure. Anyway, Egypt is dealing with a plugged up Suez Canal and damn if that's not about a headache or what. Possibly what. Anyway once more, did you know that on this very night and that would just so happen to be the super worm full moon night. I did not know that we had us a super worm full moon night that coincided with Palm Sunday. That's got to be a coincidence. Oughtn't that be a coincidence? I think it's all a super full coincidence. I could suppose that with spring hatching out all over the northern hemisphere, worms need the extra light given by that super worm full moon night that just so happens to fall on Palm Sunday night. I'm just a bit troubled by the notion that worms would need light of any kind. Worms you see, don't have eyes...see? I think that super worm full moons don't mean more than about squat for the worms. You see, the worms live mostly underground and ain't about no light of any sort is gonna make it underground. Well unless we're talking about the London Underground and I don't think there's any worms there. I could be wrong and I have been wrong on numerous occasions in the past. Or on previously unexplained occasions that warranted some manner of prattle or some other manner of prattle so there. Did you know that worms like to come out after it rains? Well they do and then the silly worms get trapped out in the open and dry and wither up as the sun dries up all the rain. Ain't about no dang super full worm moon gonna save the silly worms that haven't enough sense to come in after it rains. Wait, that should read go back underground after it rains. Dang, seems to be just one plugged up dang reason after another. Life can be so problematic on a Palm Sunday where no one is bothering to plant more palm trees or care about super full moon worms that get dried up when the sun comes back to shining again. Does Egypt have worms? I mean besides the 'sand worms on Planet Arrakis'. That was one strange dang book. Was a crappy dang movie. You know, the one Dune movie what starred Sting? Oh yeah that movie sucked large. There is a new Dune movie supposed to come out but with the Suez Canal being all plugged and such, the new Dune movie has been delayed. The delay might have something to do with super blood full worms or something like that. I don't know. Besides, I'm just making shit up as I keyboard along. :] On to the machine art without worms, blood worms or sand worms or none of that.

surreal full super evil eye with worm -

nap time -

do remember to plant a palm tree for Palm Sunday...or not...whatever.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday's Occidental Voyeur

 Yes friends it is Saturday and the very last Saturday of March 2021. March went by in a hurry. Which means of course that Spring really is right around a corner. Won't be too very long and the ambient air temp will be in the mid 70's then mid 80's and dang if'n that won't feel about just grand. Short sleeve shirts and shorts and floppies and it should be noted here that I gave up wearing shorts a long time ago. Evidently my wearing shorts was deemed to be a public eyesore on account of my legs are really white. I mean ugly beyond redemption white. I haven't really worn shorts since my way younger days. Any white legs are a public eyesore if not a public nuisance and those white legs are almost obscene. You know, in a public display of whiteness sort of ugly. Curse of the genetic cruelty in cultural and ethnic bio luck of a birthing draw. Ain't my dang fault I turned out white so, blame my parents who were also victims of that genetic cruelty gig. You don't get to choose your parents and I think that sort of sucks. Dang genetic cruelty anyway. Okay so we've established that Spring really is moving on in and that's a good thing. You're still gonna have to mask up for the foreseeable future and if you've not yet attained vaccination sustainability, well, for hell sakes go and get yourself a shot in the arm. It doesn't hurt and all the bullshit about vaccine horror is simply that, bullshit. We've all been in lockdown for better part of a year so get outside, wearing a mask of course, and soak up some sunshine which is better than soul shine and damn sure better than rain. I'm not knocking soul shine. Soul shine won't help you get some color back on your skin and that's simply the fact Jack so there. Okay and enough prattle for a Saturday and the last Saturday of March so it's on to machine art. It's shiny too. :]

horizon way far over there -

fancy frames -


Friday, March 26, 2021

It's Friday And Time For Dog Pile On The Rabbit

 That's a line from an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. I'm not certain that the cartoons I watched as a youngster would pass any socially critical agenda check. Not these days. Back in the good old days of quality cartoons there was plenty of cartoon violence, mayhem, mischief, classical music and yeah there was lots of Mozart and his pals, and damn if those cartoon weren't about funny as hell. Today's culture of puritanical hysteria and hypocrisy would never allow antics like we had back then to even air. Classic cartoon violence was...violent but you had to put that violence in context. These were cartoons and no one took any of it seriously. Elmer Fudd would shoot Daffy Duck. Elmer would try and shoot Bugs. Bugs would drop bricks on Elmer. Daffy could fly in space without a space suit. The cartoons featured flying cars and cars that smashed walls. Tom and Jerry beat holy bejeepers out of each other and it was hysterically funny. Droopy Dog played a town sheriff and routinely shot up the cartoon bad guys and won the day. Talking vultures. Talking fish. Talking cows, birds, inanimate objects, dogs, cats, and symphonies no less. Yeah the cartoons back in the day were great. Children's television that meant something. The adults would even gather with us kids to watch the cartoon antics and laugh just like we young 'uns. Back in the days of duck and cover. Back in the days of early television. Back in the days when rock and roll was young and fresh. Dang, if I had known back then what I know now, well, I might not have wasted so many years being a dumb ass. I could suppose I'm still a dumb ass just a shade wiser. Not bud wiser. Moving on it is time for Friday machine art. 

outlines in fractal motion -

surreal gordian knots -

have a good weekend every one and stay away from assholes in the supermarket carrying AR-15's. the previous public service announcement was brought to you courtesy of Amerikans For A Safer Shopping Experience.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday Is The Big Day

 President Joe Biden is holding a press conference today and evidently, it's a big deal. I'm not certain as to why the President holding a press conference would be a big deal but and according to media shrieking, a presidential press conference is a big deal. So this is President Biden's first "press conference" and media concerns are almost giddy given the opportunity to hold the President's feet to the fire. The journalism fire to be quite specific and given our current state of nit-picking every damn thing said just about anywhere, one ought to be cautious making any manner of statement regarding Amerika's president. I will certainly be tuned out of the media coverage. I'll be able to catch Biden's relevant remarks on the evening news. Maybe. The journalism mainstream is clamoring about 'crisis on the border' and the Covid-19 vaccines and when the Amerika might reach targeted "herd immunity." Issues that probably are germane to today pressing needs. The 'crisis on the border' is the result of trump's attempts to gut the immigration proceedings for migrants. Biden has been trying to resolve that cruelty left by trump and the task is daunting to say the least. Asshole trump should be in federal prison for that crime against humanity all by itself. The Covid-19 mess is DIRECTLY the fault of trump and his gang of enabling sycophants and that would be strike two in an all out assault on trump's needing to be imprisoned. As for "herd immunity", whomever decided on using that term of endearment to describe an immune general public should politely be asked to shut the fuck up and then get such smack on their silly ass kisser. People are NOT fucking cows or sheep or horses or goats or whomever else may in fact spend time in a herd. People do tend to act like herd animals but that has nothing to do with animal collectives. People act in mobs. People act like gangs of wild-ass chimpanzees. People do indeed act as if they might be ten hairs short of being baboons. Thanks to Lewis Black for that insightful definition of people that act really stupid. Herd immunity? I'm calling bullshit. Okay and that's about enough bitching for a Thursday. We move on to the machine art and less usage of vulgar vernacular. Yeah I do swear a lot. So fucking what...

petal not pedal -

cubist scaffolding -

it's storming out here behind the Zion Curtain and my knees hurt. son-of-a-bitch!!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Assholes Are Assholes

 Sen. Ted 'Fidel' Cruz, rethuglican Texas, made a remark following the mass murders in Boulder, Colorado. Good ole Fidel states the Boulder mass murder was mere “ridiculous theater” and the mass murder is more than likely the fault of democrats. Judas Priest! Fidel really put his foot in it this time. Fidel's remarks were callous, crude, rude, thoroughly unacceptable, and highlight the fact that Fidel is an asshole of epic proportion. Ten innocent people were forced to forfeit their lives by a bigger asshole than Ted Cruz and ole Cruz thinks this is all "ridiculous theater." Fuck you Ted. Take your sorry ass back to Cuba, if Cuba would even have the fucker, and see if your prattle will win any friends while there. You see Sen. Ted 'Fidel' Cruz is Cuban. Oh yes he is. Cruz' prattle further highlights the simple fact that there is something wholesale and comprehensively wrong about Texas culture and political thought. I guess there's Texas thinking but I'm not totally convinced of that. I am convinced that karma will, someday, catch that human trash heap and that will be a positively grand day for our shared Planet Earth and all of the creatures that wander hither and yon around our blessed Mother. Political thought crimes... now we move on to machine art which is, by representation, far better for the psyche than might be asshole Ted 'Fidel' Cruz. Yeah.

natural and not Mr. Natural -

a tree grows in dirt -

a ted cruz grows in moldy pig shit. :]

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Clarification and Correction

 Mea culpa mea maxi culpa. I alleged that the shooter in Boulder, Colorado was quite possibly a 'white guy' and used the term 'cracker' to describe the freak. Well I was quite wrong and too quickly made judgment. The shooter in Boulder, Colorado was Syrian. You know that Syria country in the Middle East that is torn to bloody shreds in a civil war that rages to this very day? Yeah, that Syria. So the shooter was in the Amerika to escape the ravages of civil war in his home nation and isn't Amerika just goddamn lucky to welcome this asshole with open arms and an open invitation to purchase assault weapons that the clown wouldn't have been able to purchase in Syria. This asshole had previously been arrested and charged with assault so the fuck was known to Boulder law enforcement. None of that hardly makes a dimes bit of difference now. The guy bought an AR-15 assault rifle on the previous day before he went nut fucking up and killed 10 people. So it is more than fair to conclude that the guy was a jihadi terrorist. Yes and I admit that remark is probably unfair. Yeah and oh well isn't that just tough and too fucking bad. The media headline should read, "Jihadi Terrorist Murders 10 Innocent Citizens In Boulder." Media outlets will sure as hell never headline this national disgrace in such a stark reminder of Amerika's continuing saga of mass murder on a daily basis. Also, I make no apologies to Amerikan crackers that unnaturally love their assault rifles. Fuck them. Peace (hopefully someday) and out.


Don Nash



Tuesday's Just As Bad

 Some call it stormy Monday BUT, Tuesday's just as bad. Almost like Tuesday is a morbid extension of a Monday. You know how in that 'Groundhog' movie with the Murray guy that keeps repeating itself over and over until Murray finally gets to bed Andie MacDowell? Yeah almost like that but not quite so movie-esque. That endless grinder of Amerikan souls through the Amerikan work grinder that's been on suspension for the last year and you'd think that Amerikans of all shapes and cultural bias would be all ready and willing to get back to it. You'd think so anyway. The last year has been almost like being in lockup. Almost... So now the quarantines are being lifted and Amerikans are all kinds of ready to 'get back out there' and catch the newest variant of the Covid. With todays variant being that dreaded "Brazilian Beach Butt Variant" and this dang variant is a killer. The dang Brazilian variant Covid makes your butt swell up like a helium filled balloon and leaves your body twitching with a sort of soft samba beat and underlying Rio reggae jerking motion and then...and then you die. Mercifully. That might seem an almost preferable way to cack. You certainly and possibly could have been in that Boulder, Colorado supermarket when cracker terrorist with an AR-15 went smooth nut up and commenced to shooting people. The supermarket overhead announcement went "clean up on aisles 5 through 13" and no one bothered to do the clean up. According to Boulder authorities, it will take about 5 days to complete their 'investigation'. 10 people dead. But hey, Amerikans gots to have them guns and assault rifles and other weapons of mass devastation on account of nobody wants to "invade those 2nd Amendment rights." That's a pasture load of bullshit. The U.S. Constitution does NOT give some cracker-ass domestic terrorist the right to wantonly and without mercy murder innocent Amerikans. For no discernible reason. That 'discernible reason' part is what the Boulder law enforcement types are taking 5 actual business days to try and figure out. There will be a "stunning" connection to trump and Boulder authorities may or may not bother to let Amerika know about that. Good lord, Amerika is in some serious trouble and has been for years. Okay and let us leave the discernibly depressing news behind and move on to machine art.

sisters -

posse -

I worked up the posse graphic long before yesterday's mass murder. synchronicity I suppose... :/

Monday, March 22, 2021

Nothing But The Art

 Today is machine art day. Yeah I made that up and why not. Machine art or whatever you can create or come up with deserves a day of recognition. Yup so here goes nothing. Besides, I've got about nothing and this Monday could be a slow news day but it is early yet. Some dang weird shit or some other dang weird shit will raise it's uncannily weird head and we'll have it going on then. Or not and it all depends on the severity of the weird shit. Oh sorry, I digress. Machine art -

dante's infernal -

dante's twin sisters -

dante certainly could have had twin sisters. who knows... :]

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday Is The Day Before Monday

 Wow, is that shocking or what. Sunday comes before Monday and has for a damn long time. At least that's the way it works here in the Amerika. Today is also 3/21/21. At least that's the way it works here in the Amerika on account of the Amerika writes a date line as month, day, and then year. In Europe, or at least this is how I'm led to believe, the date line gets written day, month, and then year. So writing up a date line goes 21/03/21. I don't live anywhere near Europe or England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales so I really don't know for certain. Best guess I guess. As is plainly evident here, I've got about nothing so I'll prattle on for a ways and then call it good. I read somewhere that Kanye West is worth $6 billion dollars. I can't for the life of me figure how in hell good ole Yeezy could be worth $6 billion dollars but the headline couldn't possibly be wrong could it? Nah... West having fabulously big bucks adds about nothing to nothing so, so what. I could suppose that $6 billion dollar figure could be the West half of any Kardashian fortune being split on account of the Kardashian woman is giving good ole Kanye the boot. California divorce law is a 50/50 split of community property. That's probably going to really chap the Kardashian woman. She'll have to give loopy Kanye half of everything she owns and damn doesn't that just about suck. Bottom line would be who cares. Anyway that ought to just about do it for a Sunday prattle and now for some machine art which just might, someday, be worth billions and billions of bucks. Ain't not worth more than about squat as things stand today. Poor me. Seriously, poor poor me...

amerika, the land that reason forgot -

thatch, that everyday building material from way back in the day -

so with Kanye West being batshit crazy, will the courts have to appoint a "conservator" to keep watch over what the stupid fuck is doing and how he might be spending that money? You know, cause West is allegedly in possession of $6 billion dollars. seems a legitimate question to me...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

It's Here!

 March 20, 2021 and it's the first day of spring. The 'vernal equinox' has made it to the northern hemisphere and it's about dang time. Greeny little plant things are sticking their greeny little heads out of the dirt and won't be too very long and the flowers will be springing out all over the place. The 'vernal equinox' happens when the earth's axial tilt sways the planet so that the sun appears to be right smack in the middle of the old horizon and much of this would depend on where you might stand on this fine first day of spring anywhere in the northern hemisphere. The same effect would happen in a southern hemisphere of planet earth only in sort of a reverse 'vernal equinox' and that would be kindly referred to as a southern hemisphere autumnal equinox. Of course and depending on one's cultural proximity and actual physical proximity in a southern hemisphere, well, the event may in fact be referred to as something entirely different. All of the preceding is according to meteorological protocols. Okay and so with all the 'splainin' out of the way, I'll move on to an actual point of this here diatribe. It was 44 years ago that Salt Lake City held a first of it's kind "Dance Of The Vernal Equinox" in Salt Lake. Yup and dang if'n time doesn't just about fly when one is having fun. The dance which was actually a concert, was held at the Utah Fairgrounds in the Coliseum Building and the "dance" featured Buffalo Springfield, the Youngbloods, H.P. Lovecraft, and some other stuff I can't really remember on account of the passing of a dang lot of years. Wait, I should probably google that and check my memory...hang on for about a minute or so while I do the google dance of the Vernal Equinox...back momentarily. Okay and so after a through googling of the google thingy, the 'Dance Of The Vernal Equinox' was held on March 30, 1968 and was exactly ten days after the official and meteorological vernal equinox. Scheduling 'issues' I could imagine and after this long, I'm guessing. Anyway, me and some buddies of mine managed to sneak into the Coliseum just in time to catch H.P. Lovecraft doing their set. Back in the day, H.P. Lovecraft was a fairly decent band and I even had a couple of their albums. I don't have any their albums these days. In fact I don't have any vinyl records from back in the day and that sort of sucks on account of a few of those albums are worth some serious money these days. So we can conclude here that time passes really really quickly. A functional memory isn't quite what I think I thought it was. ??? Buffalo Springfield is gone. The Youngbloods are gone. H.P. Lovecraft the band is gone. H.P. Lovecraft the author is hanging in there nicely after all these years and his stories are still as creepy as I seem to remember. Every last member of every band listed here is in that aging rocker category. So am I. However I am not a rocker. Not officially and that's okay as I'm still standing and I have most of my wits, I think so anyway, and thank god for Google. Enough tripping down memory lane and here's some machine art without any aging. Getting old isn't really all it's cracked up to be and the "golden years" are more bullshit than anything else. 

surreal butterfly and some dang thing -

differing perspective -

a final remark to any young folk that might be having a look, a lifetime will go by so goddamn fast you simply won't believe it. Don't waste a minute... :]

Friday, March 19, 2021

Exploding Vagina Candles?

 I saw the headline and, well, I simply had to bite. As in bite on the story line and not an exploding vagina candle. I thought, damn, exploding vaginas??? I didn't finish the headline. So after laughing my fool ass off, I finished the headline and then read the story. Men of any age will act the juvenile fool at the mere suggestion of a vagina or vagina joke or vagina whatever. I confess to being a juvenile fool and always have been. I digress. Here's the link to the exploding vagina candle story... LINK -

Ms. Gwyneth Paltrow, you know that Paltrow woman what starred in those 'Iron Man' movies? That Gwyneth Paltrow. According to press releases and media crap, Ms. Paltrow is a "major celebrity" so why in hell is Paltrow hawking vagina scented candles that explode? That is as much a cultural statement as an incredulous question. So after reading the tale of explosions and the smell of a woman's vagina, I came to the conclusion that "major celebrities" don't necessarily think about whatever it is they (major celebrity) are slapping their name onto for a buck. Or big bucks depending on the scale of major celebrity status and yes there is a "scale" that rates the profit margin for celebrities. Go figure. Did you know that the Paltrow woman has a 'perfumer'? I did not know that. I know that now. So and along with all the ancillary bribes, flattery, pampering, bling bags, housekeepers, gardeners, slaves to wipe the celebrity tookas, and associated hangers on and fawning attendants, celebrities need a 'perfumer'. Which just goes along way to add credibility to the notion that celebrity shit really does stink. Anyway, Paltrow had her name added to the vagina scented candle ruse and the rest becomes fire battalion history and a damn good laugh at Paltrow's expense with the firefighters that responded to the exploding vagina scented candle. Would there be any lingering odor from the exploding vagina scented candle and prerequisite fire from the explosion? That's another juvenile question asked by a professional juvenile. That'd be me. :] Here's a bit of unsolicited advise for Paltrow: in future, read the fine print of any contract or suggestion that concerns the making of contractually agreed upon monies. That smallish exercise just might save you from weeks of unsolicited if not rude laughter and derisions. Paltrow is about to be the butt of endless jokes made at her rather clueless expense. "Hey, this candle smells like a vagina." There is no way ever and not even in the foreseeable future am I about to spend ANY money on a vagina scented candle. Who gets to decide what a vagina smells like? The remainder of this juvenile and pointless Friday pontification will end right about now. Vagina smelling candles... jeepers Willis, when does this insanity end? On to machine art. I can barely contain myself as it is now. 

back in the day before vagina scented candles -

beached blanket shipwreck -

say, would you like to smell my finger? The juvenile hilarity could go on for days. :}

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Beakers Baby And...

 The rise of worker clones. Yes my friends, a scientist in Israel has managed to cultivate mouse embryos in a lab beaker. 


Of course the Israeli scientist maintains his experiment is strictly for "science." Sure it is. The mouse embryos were encased in a mechanical womb but first, the mouse embryos had to be scientifically and surgically removed from an actual mouse womb. Say goodbye to your babies silly lab mouse, this abortion is for SCIENCE! Next up and this could be a real boon for women considering bearing children yet are hesitant about stretching the bejeepers out of the female body, mechanical child bearing wombs for the discriminating mother that wants a kid but doesn't want to fuck up the female body. There will be seriously real money in that scientific advancement. Bet on it. So and by a not so serious stretch of an imagination, next will be designer babies and of course servant babies and athlete babies and sex worker babies and field worker babies and you should be able to see where all this is headed. Science will develop a designer mechanical womb and with genetic engineering advances, well, it won't be too very long and our world will become the matrix in no time at all. Just think, you'll be able to order up a house 'servant' that doesn't really think or do anything whatsoever other than what the 'servant/slave' is instructed to do. You'll be able to order up a baby that is superior to any other baby. Kids will come in colors other than the natural colors of people we have with us today. Just think about that the next time you see a younger person waddling down a street with green hair or blue hair or paisley colored hair. Yes paisley hair coloring is not too far off. I find the 'colorful' younger people to be extremely amusing. Green or blue or crimson red hair coloring with their heads attached firmly to their "devices" and missing the wonders of our everyday world and living completely oblivious to life as they wander along. Yes you'll be able to order up a kid exactly not like that. The U.S. military is extremely interested in the "science" surrounding mechanically incubated mice. Damn and won't that take a very real and sinister turn. So back in the day and I'm talking way back in the day, corporate Dupont or Monsanto or the various if not other assorted military/industrial banes of human existence liked to use a phrase that went "better living through chemistry." But you can fill in whatever word or phrase you'd care to chose as substitute for the chemistry word. These days the phrase would read "better living through scientifically engineered children and won't that be preferable for a more profitable and pleasant world." Damn article gave me the cold shivers. Okay and that should about cover the doom and gloom section of today's proffering and leave us move on to todays machine art that isn't near as spooky as Israeli mechanical mouse wombs.

bloom no doom -

climate changing -

hmmm...turns out there is no escaping an inevitable karma. :/

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Who's Watching The Baby

 The notion has absolutely nothing to do with anything that follows. I'm just making shit up as I keyboard along. Tra-lah-lah-tra-lah-lay and say did you read about the "life forms" that scientists found at the bottom of Greenland's ice sheet? Oh yeah and the freezy little critters have been there since the last ice age swallowed Greenland in it's entirety. I'm not actually certain that what scientists found could be called critters. I just made that part up for special effect. Or special efx. The scientists that found the lifeforms under the ice of Greenland are now trying to figure out how they (the scientists) can turn a profit off of what they found. Yeah the freaking scientists are only in it for the money. Pretty much like everyone else. Just have a look at Neil deGrasse Tyson's accounting ledgers. Swimming in the bucks he is. Celebrity tends to take the 'professional' out of science. I don't blame Dr. Tyson. Oh hell no. Take the money and for your life cause the taxman is gonna want a slice of whatever pie you might find profitable. However and the Biden administration is adamant about this, you will NOT have to declare any "stimulus money" to the IRS IF you happen to be lucky enough to receive "stimulus money." So there you have it directly from the horse's mouth. Did you know that the members of the U.S. Senate are gonna have a 'gang fight'? Oh yes they are. The 'red' senators are lining up against the 'blue' senators in a winner take all last man or women standing bats and chains gang fight. I hope the media concerns ABCBSNBCNNMSNBC and Faux jump on the gang fight blandwagon and televise this one. Hell, you've got the 'Batchelor' bitches taking shots at one another so why not senators. I'd kind of like to see Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy start swinging at each other. That'd be worth the price of admission right there. Please to remember that I'm just making shit up as I wander along at the old keyboard. Now we'll wander over to the machine art section and cut and paste up some stuff. 

up creek no paddle no boat no waders and yet -

and for all those frozen cowboys in Cheyenne, Wyoming -

Cheyenne received 31 inches of snow over two days. That's a lot of snow. :]

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Madam Secretary of the Interior Debra Haaland

 Congratulations to Madam Secretary of the Interior Debra Haaland. She is now confirmed by the racist U.S. Senate to be Secretary of the Interior and that confirmation is about damn time. Secretary Haaland is a 35th generation New Mexican from Pueblo Laguna and that would leave Secretary Haaland as an original American. Original as in Secretary Haaland's people were here in the America before any one and that's to include those snitty and dang uppity Boston white people. Dang immigrants anyway. The dang immigrants have messed this here America up and it's gonna take years and years to try and fix all the damage caused by the white people. You know like genocide, slavery, ethnic cleansing, cultural atrocity, and crimes too numerous to mention. Yes and congratulations to Debra Haaland. Let us hope that Madam Secretary can fix the wholly fucked up Department of the Interior. That aforementioned 'fucked up' part happened under the trump regime. The radically racist members of the U.S. Senate and that's to include just about all the rethuglican members of the Senate. Way to go you bigoted, racist, and wholly ignorant rethuglican swine! Next time you fuckers hold a vote on just about any piece of U.S. legislation, be sure to wear your white robes and those pointy hoods. Star Spangled Klanners and the Amerika can be damn proud on this fine day or maybe not so much. Nine members to the rethuglican side of the U.S. Senate didn't even bother to cast a vote. Those nine members of the rethuglican side of the Senate had a case of the conscience? I would doubt that but hey, any theory can stand until proven otherwise. Dear Madam Secretary Haaland, make the white boys squirm. I'm white you see so I can say that with impunity. You ought to see my body when I take my pants off. Talk about white as white can be. Better still, you really do not want to see my carcass with my pants off, it's not a pretty sight. Okay and enough of the bullshit. It's time for the real deal and that would be of course, machine art.

chaos loves a vacuum -

fly ways and by ways and by the way -

the month called March is now half over and spring begins officially this coming Saturday and that would be March 20, 2021. C'mon all you little greeny things and pop those springy heads up out the dirt. :]

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Ides Of Covid...

 Are here! Oh yes today is the Ides of Covid and there ain't not a dang thing can be done about that. Except maybe to dig up Willy Shakespeare and kick his dead ass. So and seeing as how today is the 'big day', we'll just skip the bullshit and get down to the brass tacks. Or tax. Whatever. Machine art and if one is well connected to the connected people, that machine art will turn you a boat load of bucks. I'm for the most part not connected to a damn thing. I could suppose that I am connected to a surreal reality. Or whatever...

opticalism -

a red drop of some gooey digital stuff -

okay and TTFN.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Late Breaking Edition

 Charlie Hebdo le berce! Oh yes they do. Here it is -

This work has the Brits all tied in twisted knots of outrage. If the satire fits, well, suck it up! :]

Pi and Pie and

 Today is pi day. 3/14/21 is also the first day on the daylight savings time clock. I really dislike daylight savings time. I may have stated that previously. To compensate for today being the first day of daylight savings time and ordinary shoes (listen to Paul Simon's 'Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes), today is also pi day and that sort of helps in dealing with your body clock being screwed over mercilessly. So with today being celebrated as pi day, we should review several of the best pies on the Planet. First up would be pizza pie. Dang and I do love me some pizza pie. Pizza decorated with sausage, pepperoni, Canadian bacon although why Canadian bacon would be better than any other bacon is beyond me, onions, olives, green peppers, and of course mushrooms. Oh yeah now we are on to something. Next on the pi day list would good old fashioned Mom's apple pie. Warm and almost right out of the oven and splattered with some vanilla ice cream. Or whipped cream and either works just fine. Peach pie and the same dressing of pie associated with apple pie would apply. Strawberry shortcake although strawberry shortcake might not actually qualify as pie. Besides, strawberry shortcake needs fresh strawberries right out of a garden and that's pretty hard to pull off in the waning days of winter. Look around leaves are dead and it's the waning days of winter. Apologies to Simon and Garfunkel. Lemme see, where were we? Oh yeah pie. Pecan pie, key lime pie, pork pie but I think that's a hat. Lemon meringue pie. I like lemon pie but I don't care for meringue. There is also merengue but I'm not certain if that's a pie or something else. Doesn't really matter. So that's several of the different pies available. There is also 'hair pie' but I'm not about to go there. Oh hell no. What with folk being all manner of touchy about all manner of crap, restraint is called for in this instance and that's my story and I'm certainly gonna stick to it. Pie! Go out or stay in and have a slice of pie on this day and if you are of a mathematical persuasion, see how many places you can stick the pi number before you tire of an exceedingly obtuse if not fruitless exercise in futility. You know, on account of the number pi just goes on and freaking on for just about ever. Okay and thus endeth Sunday's Sermon on the Pie and now it's time for, you guessed it, machine art and we've sufficiently covered the stuff routine.

spill...a surreal re-creation of human savagery in full color presentation - image not an invitation for squatters -

home home on the strange... :]

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Tonight Of All Nights

 It's here. This very night is the one we all should dread. Everyone knows it's coming. Everyone dreads the arrival but yet, here it is. The move the clocks forward one hour to initiate 'daylight savings time'. Is anyone fooled into believing that we "save" any time whatsoever by pushing the clocks ahead one hour? No, no one is fooled with the possible exception of folk that live in Texas and probably Alabama and Mississippi. The day will contain the very same 24 hours that the day contained prior to the illusion that is 'daylight savings time'. Earth will still orbit the sun, daylight gets longer as our Planet shifts on it's axis to elongate the tilt of the Earth in the northern hemisphere, and thus any day seems to be longer but the passage of time remains the exact very same as before the sun begins it's annual sojourn into the northern realms. You see this is all a heinous plot and conspiracy to jerk your body clocks around so that you really aren't paying too much attention to anything the politicals do. Or bankers. Or any of the corporate overlords that actually rule Planet Earth. Even the politicals bow and scrape before the corporate overlords. We the people are doomed as doomed can be I must say. So as we begin the annual springtime saunter into dumb ass and herd-like submission to the time lords desire to see the human condition deteriorate submissively, well good luck with that. In about two weeks time we all should be adjusted to the minimally invasive switch to daylight savings time and discover rather sheepishly that there still isn't enough hours in any day to get the things done you've committed to getting done while under the impression that switching to daylight savings time is a good thing. It's not. So and as things turn out, ain't not about a gaddanged thing can be done about any of it. Oh well and now we move on to what really matters and that would be the machine art of which if there weren't any machine art our world would be a much bleaker place to live. Bleaker? Hmmm...that doesn't sound right. Oh hell, who cares...

tree by a sea and of course, trees matter -

surrealistic musical instrument -

that violin is on the fly...get it? that's a music joke. not a very good music joke but a joke nonetheless. :]

Friday, March 12, 2021

Let Us All Bow Our Heads

 It's Friday so be grateful for minor miracles. Our world has survived another week of plague pandemics, earthshaking earthquakes, fire and lave spitting volcanoes, politicians, and here commences the beginning of daylight savings time. Saturday night everyone MUST turn those clocks and watches ahead by exactly one hour and everyone WILL lose an hours sleep. I hate the switch to daylight savings time. The change screws with my body clock for about two weeks. I really don't care if Amerika runs on regulation time or daylight savings time, just set the dang clocks one way or that 'other' way and leave it alone. Like permanently. Living in Arizona and we never had to mess with our clocks. Arizona doesn't recognize the daylight savings time premise and that was the single most desirable thing about living in Arizona. So for at least a few months out of any year, Arizona pulses to the beat of the rest of Amerika. Come daylight savings time switch up and Arizona pulses to it's own beat and that is usually off beat and by that I mean Arizona off beat. Way off beat. It's almost like the entire State of Arizona has been beaten severely about the head and neck and suffers an extreme case of PTED. PTED is post traumatic encephalopathy disorder. Too many concussive incidents. Yes Arizona is punch drunk. Okay and I've digressed like I'm punch drunk. Hmmm, that just might explain things nicely. I have taken any number of hits to the skull over the years and any number of concussions are entirely possible. Oh well, ain't not about a thing I can do about that now. Lemme see and where was I? Oh right, Arizona is punch drunk. :] Did you know that the ex-presidents of these United States of Amerika have a club? I did not know that but the ex-presidents do. Have an ex-presidents club. That's what the club is called, the 'ex-presidents club' so go figure. Now for the funny part, the members of the 'ex-presidents club' won't let the trump be in their club. Gosh and I wonder why that might be... now it's time for that ever so fabulous and possibly worth a boat load of money machine art time. Yes friends, send your requests for samples attached with an official cashiers check to Skulzwerks Dept. 442, Wonkazona, U.S.A. 86753 No C.O.D.'s please. 

a four you know it -

sailing ships -

that Beepers guy (Beepers?) in London pocketed 57 million pounds for some digital art work. I don't know what that translates to in U.S. currency but 57 million pounds sounds like a boat load of money. British pounds. That's what the Brits use for money. Seems peculiar...pounds...yes that sounds fiscally peculiar. Give me Amerikan money almost any day or except if you happen to be in Canada eh? Canadians use that yang money. for a proper definition to what "yang money" might be see Richard Pryor's repertoire of Mudbone.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Once Twice Three Times Fully Vaccinated

 Fully vaccinated so... now what? I lucked into the Moderna vaccine, received the prerequisite two inoculations, so now with a drum roll and thunderous applause, tah dah!!! I'm vaccinated hurray. Hardly took much time for the waiting drill and I'm still waiting for Salt Lake County Health Department to kindly let me know that the Health Department has vaccine and I can get them shots. You see, persons of my age and generation were required to sign up and phone in to get an appointment, if any appointments were in fact available, and then wait for the Health Department people to be specifically gracious enough to grant you a Covid-19 vaccine. The Salt Lake County Health Department was NOT gracious enough to let me know they had the vaccine available. I was able to get vaccinated on account of my wife's place of employ had extra doses of vaccine available and rather than throw the extra doses away as required by the CDC and FDA, my wife's place of employ got in touch with people that had indicated a willingness to be vaccinated. When the wife's place of employ asked if I would like the vaccine I stated categorically, well hell YES! So I backed into the vaccination and I'm pretty dang grateful for my wife's work and being vaccinated. Salt Lake County Health Department is a rolling clusterfuck regarding Covid-19 vaccine and vaccinations. So would be the Utah State Department of Health that was charged with running the entire vaccine rollout. Problem is, or was, the State and County had their collective administrative heads up their political asses and it's still like pulling hens teeth to get a vaccination for Utah folk that aren't well connected politically. By the notion of 'well connected' in Utah, that means did you give any money to some duplicitous political hack so as to enable yourself to receive Covid-19 vaccinations. Pay to play is how things work in Utah. Well that and being mormon. In this case being mormon did not enable one to get vaccinated with 'some' exceptions. There's always some godawful exception or another godawful exception when dealing with Utah politics. Such is life behind the Zion Curtain. Some ask, well why don't you move to somewhere else? Did that and as things turn out, somewhere else is not all the theory turns out to be. Nevada sucks. New Mexico really sucks. Washington State sucks as does Arizona. Living in Arizona is not only freaking damn hot, the neighbors and such are straight up fucking insane. I mean as in locked, loaded, stocked with more dang firearms and ammunition you can shake a stick at, and an Arizona willingness to use those aforementioned firearms and ammunition. In Arizona, you are more likely to be shot and killed than to actually die of heat stroke. Well except for migrants trying to cross Arizona desert country that for the most part stretches across the entire southern Arizona/Mexico border. Arizona authorities find dead migrants just about any day of any week during anytime of any year. So with all things considered, living behind the Zion Curtain is not so bad and if you simply ignore the mormons, well, life goes on. So now let us move on to machine art which is really a thing and for the well connected machine artist, that well connected machine artist can rake in some serious bucks. Millions of serious bucks. Who knew?

digital swans -

surrealism in vertical -

so while I'm bitching about cash for machine art, anyone is welcome to any machine art I've cranked out for free. just ask first please. :]

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Pitching Of Fit

 Back in the news again would be trump. You see the trump is pitching a fit, he's being manstrel again, and that's not really news. Unless the trump is gobbling up media space and time, the dumb freak isn't happy. So neither are media outlets. Trump makes for good ratings and I'm surprised that trump hasn't tried to bill media outlets for the coverage. He is an asshole. Some people can grow out of being an asshole after some serious therapy. However the trump is an asshole for life and that about says it all. Anyway, trumpy is pissed off at the Republikan National Committee for fundraising the RNC is doing and using trump's likeness. Why in hell they would want to do that is beyond me but then just about anything the RNC does is beyond human comprehension. Anyway once more, trump isn't getting a slice of the RNC fundraising pie and THAT has the trumpy most livid. Did I mention that trump is an asshole? Well he is. So this should make for some entertaining distraction for about a minute or so. The RNC are gluttons for punishment and trumpy is an asshole. A hellish match generated in basement political hell. Not it's on to more important issues for today which just so happens to be Hump Day! Machine art is next.

stairs go up stairs go down and as long as stairs don't go sideways we'll be alright -

  textural smorgasbord du jour -

take a camel to lunch today. after all it is the camel's favorite day of any week. :]

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Busy Busy Busy

Not so much to prattle on about today. Places to go, things to do, people to annoy, and overall not so much time available for meaningful if not unwarranted brevity. So I will skip the rattle of prolonged prattle and get to the important crap. Machine art.

x mark -


current in time -

peace and out. for now...

Monday, March 8, 2021

Those Wacky Windsors

 Did you watch it? You know, the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan. I managed to stomach about two minutes of the "big interview" and then bailed for something a teensy bit more exciting than watching paint dry. Yes, watching paint dry is a thing. So did the world find out that Harry thinks his old man had Harry's mom cacked? Did we find out that bonny Prince Chuck likes to wear Camilla's old underwear? Did we find out that Camila is a dominatrix? Did we find out that Harry's granddad, that would be Lizzie the Deuce' hubby, is treated better than the ancient Egyptians embalmed their dead Pharaohs? Hell no. As near as I can tell by reading the news blurbs, the interview by Oprah with Harry and Meghan was much ado about absolutely nothing. No startling revelations, no dark innuendo, no screaming, no crying, however that was a bit of whining by Meghan and given that Meghan is a bit of a spoiled rotten Amerikan princess, no surprises. None and that should read nada. Oh well. I did however watch a scintillating program about avant artsy crap and played solitaire on the old computer. Those Windsors may in fact be wacky but they most certainly are boring. I didn't read and not anyway that Harry shot and killed Afghans while he was serving the Queen in the Afghan War That Never Ends. You'll of course remember the Afghan War That Never Ends and that'd be the one started by Buckaroo Bush. I wonder if Liz Cheney ever gives any thought to her old man being a war criminal? I would have my doubts. Okay and now we'll be off to the important crap and that would be machine art which is easily more entertaining than Oprah interviewing Harry and Meghan. Gosh and to think our blessed Planet Earth is still spinning. Go figure.

floaty girl in surreal space -

surreal collage and the effects of gravity -

if it wasn't for gravity, nobody would be able to hang around. or stick to the ground. or fall off cliffs and hit the ground with a splat. it is never the fall that damages people, it's that sudden stop at the bottom that damages people. science! yes my friends, we do it all here at the skulzwerks studios. :]

Sunday, March 7, 2021


It's invent a new word week. I came up with the notion on account of I've got about nothing for this fine day. So it's invent a new word week and that's pretty much it. PopCultura is word I came up that will define stuff going on that defies any other explanation or definition. You know like 'trump' which can effectively be substituted for the infamous 'f' word. So instead of expressing to someone the desire that they fuck off, well, just say 'trump' off. See? Works like a charm. Almost. Nothing can ever replace the fuck word which just so happens to hold universal application. But in tight situations and when the word Gestapo might be lurking around a corner in hiding within the confines of polite conversation, simply use 'trump' as acceptable usage for a heartfelt FUCK! Of course one can then add a 'you' or 'this' or 'that' or 'them' or 'it all' or 'your mama' or there are any number of additions, subtractions, multipliers, exclamations, and stuff like that there. Invent a new word and have some fun with it. Now leave us move on to the really if not fucking important stuff and that would be the machine art. Fuck yeah!!!

 multiple layers of surrealism -

cowabunga dude -

thus endeth our sermonette for Sunday the First Sunday Of March. :]