Saturday, May 11, 2024

Where Would Any of Us Be Without ...Moms

 Every living person in/on/or around our Planet Earth is sentient due to the biological influence of a mom. Even any number of dead people owe the life and death thingy to a mom. Somewhere. Just about anywhere. So ... we lived in rural Arizona for a number of years. I did enjoy our living in the Zona. The denizens of rural Arizona could be a mite strange but the environment was extraordinary. The wife and I got to see a mother mountain lion with a cub in the wild. So cool and I never EVER expected that. A pleasant and rare surprise no doubt. Back to our moms. Sunday is Mothers Day so, guys and gals get on out there and get your mom a card. That's the least you should do. So living in rural Arizona, my neighbor a very hard working electrician, and his family lived just about next door. Neighbor had a fine young family and my neighbor kept coon hounds. Neighbor was big on the hunting thing. Living in rural Arizona, well, the locals have always been big on hunting. Back to my point. Mothers Day was rolling around some years back and my neighbor thought it would be a good idea to get his wife an electric cattle prod to help his wife keep those coon hounds in check. Neighbor's coon hounds were a hand full to say the least. One time one of his hounds tried to chew his way through our fence. Poor dang dog got his head stuck, could not get unstuck and was howling up the dead. We had to get out in the backyard and help the hound get his head unstuck and the dog was ever so grateful after he was freed. Took a little wood obstruction removal and presto, dog is free to never do that again. Coon hound did not ever pull a repeat of that fence scenario so lesson learned. I never did ask my neighbor how the electric cattle prod gift was received. So to this day I'm not sure how it all turned out. Really doesn't matter, the neighbors were happy and so it goes. Now for Saturday machine art.

pelicans -

balloon -

seminal -

runs out -

hooskar -

hate -

agony -

song -

my Arizona neighbor's wife was evidently a crack shot with her rifle and holds an Arizona record for capping a bear at 300 meters. or was it 400 meters ... hmmm ... I'm not so certain on the distance. doesn't make any difference now, bear is dead and my neighbor's wife has herself a bearskin rug obtained the old fashioned way. 😐

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