Monday, May 20, 2024

The Consequence Of Circumstance

 The President of Iran was involved in a helicopter crash. Iranian press indicates that the helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi "went down in a hard landing" and that could indicate that Raisi was DOA from the crash. Details are of course scant and that comes as no surprise. Iranians are not very forthright in detailing factual reporting. Raisi is a Muslim cleric, jurist, and Raisi is known for his harsh dealing with Iranian dissidents and uppity Iranian women(that 'uppity' is sarcasm). Raisi was homeward bound from Azerbaijan where Iran's President was celebrating a dam building deal with the President of Azerbaijan. The helicopter that did a "hard landing" drill was carrying a number of high ranking Iranian officials and the area where the helicopter "landed hard" is some pretty rough country so Iran is having some difficulties locating the "hard landing" site and has asked for assistance from countries that are friendly with Iran. Bottomline here would be ... this smells like an assassination and I'm willing to bet that is exactly the case. IF assassination is involved here, well, this will get ugly real quick. Any number of suspect countries come to mind but ... the most likely culprit would be Israel. The Iranians will go ballistic and oh mommy, their fury will be hellacious. Now we'll move it on over to the Monday machine art.

stop -

authority -

wraps -

mothra -

metro -

panic -

oddity -

party -

our home world is more than likely on knife's edge. planetary knife's edge will offer up unpredictable results. this ride is gonna get bumpy ... oh yeah. 😐

p.s. all persons aboard that "hard landing" Iranian helicopter are dead. golly that isn't even a surprise.

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