Saturday, May 25, 2024

Cease And Desist

 The International Criminal Court at The Hague has issued an order to Israel ... "Cease and desist your assault on Rafah." Seems pretty straight forward. Will Israel comply with the ICC's "cease and desist order"? Well, that's the question now isn't it. I'm of the opinion that Israel will simply ignore the ICC order wank on Joe Biden for more weapons of mass destruction, that Biden will readily offer up to Israel, and the killing will continue unabated. More innocent Palestinians will die and Biden can add those numbers to the already escalating Palestinian deaths and that's on Biden. All of the horror and slaughter. ALL OF IT! Biden has some serious explaining to do to the American people. My question to Biden would be ... how the fuck do you sleep with yourself, have you no decency? 

Now for Saturday machine art.

joey jojo -

paleo -

ominous -

fly away -

plant -

dial -

sequoia -

gather -

Biden insists that should the ICC actually arrest Netanyahu and his Israeli compadres in war crimes*, the U.S. will storm the Court at The Hague and "rescue" the Israeli war criminals. that should sit well with our global community. sure sure ... 😐

* - you see the ICC has issued arrest warrants for the Israeli government of Netanyahu and the leaders of Hamas. a clear case of sixes. six of one and half dozen of the other and there you go. either way, Palestinians are ass out.

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