Friday, May 31, 2024

Post Traumatic Dream Disorder of d Trump








July 11, 2024

34 Felony Counts Could Mean 136 Years

 Each count of trump's guilty verdict COULD mean a sentence of 4 years. IF the New York Judge sentences trump on each felony verdict and the Judge rules that trump serve his convictions consecutively, well, trump will be in prison for a really really long time. 136 years seems to be a really really long time. Given that trump is what, 77, well he'll die in prison. We can only hope. Legal pundits insist that trump will "most likely" not have to serve time. That of course will be up to the New York Judge. I hope the New York Judge considers how much misery trump has put these United States of America through. January 6, 2021 and insurrection, sedition, treason, and the death of at least one Capitol police officer. Not that trump would give a shit about any of that. The New York Judge should consider all of it and including the 'official state secrets' that trump had stashed in Mar-A-Lago. It's all relevant to trump's criminal enterprise. Prosecutors should consider going after the trump spawn as well. What an odious bunch of inbred freaks. The New York Judge will sentence trump on July 11, 2024. A date to look forward to. Now for Friday machine artistry.

gravity -

panic -

fate -

worship -

wheel -

ferris -

spokes -

for years and years I always though that Richard Nixon was about the worst thing to have ever happened to our American Presidency. dang ... I was wrong by about a long shot. 😎

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Found It ...

 I found the converter that calculates air tempertature times humidity level to actual "feels like" temperatures and that is the air you might live in. Okay so, the National Weather Service has a webpage titled Weather Prediction Center and there's a calculator there and all you do is enter the air temperature using Fahrenheit OR Celsius, enter the relative humidity, then hit the calculate button and PRESTO then just like magic you'll get the 'feels like' air temperature. So with today's forecast in Pakistan and I'm not sure if "today's forecast" is for Wednesday or actually Thursday on account of Pakistan is on the other side of our Planet Earth. Whatever. So I entered the ambient air temperature using Fahrenheit because that's all I know. Celsius is one of those goofy dang metric systems and, well, fuck that. Anyway, at 118 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 28% you can expect the actual air you might be living in at 139 degrees Fahrenheit. That is not a joke or a crock of hooey. Pakistanis and just about anyone else living around that part of our Planet Earth are cooking and cooking literally to death. 139 degrees is too freaking hot to breath. Human lungs were not designed to operate efficiently at an air temperature that extreme. Mexico City is having the same dang issues with their climate as well. Killing the howler monkeys, bats, birds, insects, mariachis, taco vendors, to top all of that bullshit off, Mexico City is experiencing a drought and will run out of water PDQ. PDQ translates to 'pretty dang quick'. So it is safe to say that our Planet Earth is in serious climate change and there's not a dang thing can be done to remedy that. Not now. It's too late and our global climate is changing way too quickly to effect any sort of meaningful fix. A global fix should have been started 100 years ago. Our world's leaders are arguing to date over whether there really is "climate change." I think it might be a good idea to send our world's "leaders" to Pakistan/India and then Mexico City for a week long visit and they'll get to experience life as our world is coming to know it first hand. Sweat little political piggies ... sweat with no relief. Stupid freaks anyway. Now for Thursday machine artware. New air conditioner donations can be made to Pakistan "Help Us Please It's Fucking Hot" c/o Embassy for the Nation of Pakistan, Washington, D.C. at 3517 International Court NW Washington Avenue 20008. I think.

mother -

horses -

steam -

fall -

grazing -

taproot -

pipe -

cruella -

these extreme weather conditions will only get worse. I'd like to be able to wish future generations a happy and welcoming world. things really do NOT look so promising as it all stands at present. 😐

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hot ... It's Damn Hot

 For all those annoying skeptics in denial about global climate change, have a lookit at the countries bordering the northern beaches of the Indian Ocean. It's hot and I mean you'll not be able to breathe hot. So, near as I can do the feels like math, at a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity is at say 80%, well, that would feel like 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes! The section of our world experiencing hellacious ambient air temps at present would be Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and on eastward around the Indian Ocean. Which I might have mentioned previous. That part of our world receives really high humidity levels and add in screaming hot air temperatures, you'll most likely croak. It isn't just east Asia, nope. Mexico has been feeling the heat and that heat is killing the howler monkeys. Poor little critters are falling out of the trees they usually live on. All this heat isn't just an Asian or Mexican phenomena, southeast United States is experiencing tornado activity unlike any tornado outbreak heretofore recorded in weather history. Midwest hot plus Midwest humidity and after doing the meteorological math, thunder storms that produce killer tornados and those killer tornados wreak havoc on a countryside. Killing innocent enough Midwest people that live in "Tornado Alley." By choice. So this year's tornado season is off to one roaring start and hurricane season is just set to crank up June 1, 2024. Climate change is real and the climate change is mucking shit up all over our world. Get used to it ... this is the "new" normal. Now for Wednesday machine artsoftware. You see, I'm changing the wording used. Because I can. Someone please cue the camel.

madonna -

hottie -

lonely -

finger -

broke -

barren -

cryptic -

window -

I live in the Mojave Desert and about end of May sliding into June and on to about end September, air temperatures routinely clock in about 110 to 115 and that's Fahrenheit of course. humidity is about routinely 1%. dry heat isn't so bad. it's hot mind you but not the kind of hot like Pakistan and India and there abouts are feeling. the heat will kill you IF you aren't living by desert rules. hydrate and hydrate routinely throughout the day. I'm not so certain that one can hydrate effectively with elevator like humidity. 😐

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memorial Day Con ...

 PBS holds a "Memorial Day Concert" the day before Memorial Day and has done so for years. PBS "honors all those that have served and made the ultimate sacrifice" to these here United States of America. Alrighty then. So what this "Memorial Day Concert" actually is ... is a maudlin if not hypocritical overdose of pseudo-patriotic hookum. I generally refuse to even so much as acknowledge this hubristic display of bullshit. However, this year I got caught midstream and caught the end of the display while waiting for another program on PBS. The MDC marched out every last branch of the U.S. military ... color guards, flags, chiefs of staff, chiefs of the military branches HOWEVER, not the CIA's secret army, not the FBI's goon squads of military snipers and SWAT teams, nor the Coast Guard. Seems a dang shame that the Coast Guard gets the short shaft on PBS's grandiose panorama of crap-o-la and flashlights. Yes flashlights. I'm not certain what flashlights might have to do with Memorial Day. But this was the closing ceremony and by golly every last soul in attendance to this urge to vomit televised spectacle had a working flashlight. The crowd was urged to light up those flashlights and join in singing the American standard ... "God Bless America." It was right at this point and on cue that the suspect channel broadcasting this stinker was switched to the off signature. I am always curious as to why any "god" would "bless" America when there is so much heavily bloodied sanctimonious hubris to go around this nation at least several dozen times. With more left on a table untouched. I'm waiting for "god" to hold America to account just ONCE!!! Now for Tuesday machine art. The PBS puke-fest even featured Lieutenant Dan. What an asshat.

musico -

pole up -

graphic -

cultish -

run II -

mirrors -

camera -

stretch -

I've been told that I am unAmerican and "icky" ... I'm alright with that. IF being "American" is anything like what gets broadcast on the PBS stinkfest, well, okay. 😎

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial ... Sure Sure

 Memorial Day 2024. Memorial Day originated as a federal holiday to remember and honor all military personnel that have died in service to these United States of America. Memorial Day is NOT about Indy cars. Is NOT about purchase of a new car. Is NOT about sofas, furniture in general, home appliances, the unofficial start of summer, family vacations, barbecues, and any if not all the bullshit rammed down the American throat that might suggest otherwise. All the peripheral bullshit is unAmerican AND unpatriotic. If anyone is about celebrating Memorial Day, celebrate the day correctly. All else is fake crap designed to separate you from your money. Now for Memorial and Monday machine art.

avia -

baptis -

pink -

obscura -

crown -

world -

front -

mulhall -

like so many of America's federal holidays and well, all holidays, the days are merely dressing on so much national hubris and hypocrisy. Americans are simply too lazy and accepting of lies to find out and learn real truth. 😐

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Life With Taylor Swift Is ...

 Life with this mega-maxi-super-quantum celebrity woman is constant pain. Yes my friends, Taylor Swift and her surrounding celebrity universe of fame, glory, paparazzi, pressure, fashion, luxury suites, football sweeties, planes, trains (?), chauffeur driven automobiles, and pain. Constant debilitating pain. Pain so intense that it causes the sufferer to remain, for the most part, motionless. The sufferer living in constant pain with Taylor Swift is her cat. Actually two cats, of three, that are of a rare breed called a Scottish fold. Ms. Swift has three cats that are Ms. Swift's family. Well, besides her football squeeze. The football squeeze is a Kansas City Chief tight end and the football guy owns two, or is it three, NFL championship rings. The team gets the Lombardi trophy. Irrelevant. Back to life in constant pain and Taylor Swift. The Scottish fold cats are a genetic mutation that brings a cat into conflict with existence and 'vida en constant dolor' becomes existential angst. The "existential" is courtesy of French Catholic Philosopher Gabriel Marcel who (whom?) coined the term sometime in the mid-1940's. Lots of existential angst happening back then. Anyway, Ms. Swift is special enough to be able to own two cats that live in constant pain and Ms. Swift is perfectly content to have and to hold (?) two genetic mutant cats AND her NFL football sweetie that brings our Ms. Diva much joy and sports related fanfare regardless of how her cats feel about life, the universe, and everything. Okay so, take a breath and forgive several run-on sentences AND now it's time for Sunday machine art. 

chorus -

revo -

neon -

au pears -

twins -

strands -

flowing -

better 2 -

there is a movement a foot to get the Scottish fold cat breed outlawed across the board and across our globe. poor dang cats suffer extensively. well except for Swift's cats. they get a special if not extra special veterinary pain free (?) existence. existentially of course. 😐