Saturday, September 30, 2023


 My wife and myself went in to Walgreens Friday so we could get our flu and covid-19 vaccinations. Some fun there no doubt. So my wife got on line and scheduled an appointment time. Piece of cake...??? Ordinarily we would have preferred Walmart. However, Walmart requires an online appointment (so does Walgreens) but the Walmart website was a bust and we couldn't scheduled a vaccine appointment. Curse you Walmart schedule an appointment online farce. Our Friday vax opera continues. We walk into our Walgreens for our pre-scheduled vaccination appointment and there's a line at the Walgreens pharmacy. The wait line seems to be stationary. Well after about ten minutes or so the line hadn't moved and not even an inch. Turns out that Walgreens pharmacy which has three yes count them three service windows, only one window is in operation and there's only one pharmacy tech helping customers. Oh yes and Walgreens only has one functioning computer terminal. Twenty minutes has passed and our line hasn't budged and not even an inch. Time marches on but not the line we're in. Thirty minutes passed, forty minutes passed, and then finally...we get our turn at the pharmacy counter so we can fill out paperwork and show the required cards and then ... wait in a separate line. This time the waiting line has chairs. Four Walgreens pharmacy chairs. Not so very comfortable either. Finally after an hour, we're up for vaccination harpooning. The shots you see. We've now been in Walgreens for our pre-scheduled vaccination appointment for one and a half hours. I asked the pharmacy tech what the hell's the problem and she informs me that Walgreens won't budget in extra pharmacy techs and since the Walgreens previous pharmacist quit, well, the pharmacist on site had to fill in and drove up from Vegas. Dang if'n that don't about suck. For the pharmacist and for all of us waiting in an ever growing exponentially line. Some dang for real bullshit there boy. No doubt. Anyway, I did cop an attitude about all this waiting crap and so upon our returning home I'm headed for the old computer, fire up the old Google and begin a rather hopeless search for a Walgreens corporate email address. Turns out there isn't a Walgreens corporate email address and the Walgreens corporate website that indicates there really IS a corporate email address is a ridiculous feedback loop that after some continued searching, provides a "customer support" phone number. So I called the phone number and had to wait in line for the "next available support helper" and of course I had to wait. In line again. Bottomline to this meaningless crap-o-la, the customer support person listens to my recounting of the Friday pre-scheduled appointment for vaccinations and after I inform the faceless voice on other end of "customer support line" that he can send my complaint up the corporate ladder to the president of Walgreens corporate and then the voice informs me that the line is breaking up and so it goes. A vaccination crap shoot. A head's up here...avoid Walgreens for vaccinations of the flu and covid-19 variety. Walmart isn't much better. Oh yes both of these pharmacies REQUIRE a pre-scheduled appointment. Now for Saturday machine art. I'm vaccinated but what a pain in the ass. And arm.

horn -

jogling -

off this world -

clouds -

monks -

shock -

america's healthcare system is seriously messed up. there is no fix for the problem and with congress willfully shutting down government, well, americans are shit out of luck. 😐

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