Saturday, September 2, 2023

Ode To Code... QR code...?

I am a techno-Neanderthal. That is not brag, that is the fact. Just the fact and nothing but the fact. Facts? When I was on the coming up, well, pocket calculators were just hitting the market. I am old enough to remember when color was added to television. As I remember, which may or may not be exactly right, 'Bonanza' was the first television program to be broadcast in color. Followed shortly thereafter by Disney's televised stuff. Back in the day I did love watching Disney and Disney gave America quality programing and Walt Disney himself would come to our living room and Walt was warm and intelligent and the Disney programs were absolutely NOT the insipid crap that is aired on the Disney Channel these days. I've digressed way off the track and I apologize for the meandering prattle. I found out today what QR code is. It's taken me a long time to finally quit guessing and I googled the question to Google. Quick Response code. The curious image is there for cell phones to take a picture of and presto...a cell phone will inform a device minion what the QR code is all about. Go figure. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and a comfortable state of mind to live in. It makes me laugh watching devise minions wandering around thoroughly oblivious to our wide open world. I do not own a cell phone and that's by way of disclaimer. Now on to Saturday machine art and you will NEVER find a QR code in any of my graphic design, writing, wiseassing, and or whatever.

dylane -

mimes -

pariah -

bengal -

casbah -

crypt keeper -

by way of disclaimer number two, I embrace artificial intelligence with relish. I might not carry a cell phone or use one, however, I use AI for my work. art? I find the machines to be quite useful and dang creative. 😏

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