September 11, 2023, and today is an anniversary for remembering all the bullshit hyper-patriotic totalitarianism and the subsequent carnage brought to our world by Buckaroo Bush and the All-Unitary Executive Transgender Boy/Girl Chorus. September 11, 2001 started off as a bright and peaceful morning. Sitting down for coffee. Tuning in to Charlie and the day's morning news and then...holy shit, our entire culture took one damnably unpleasant turn the likes of which we have yet to recover from. Our intrepid CIA and their all spooky boy army commenced to undo Afghanistan on account of Saudi Arabian al-Qaeda bad boys had airplane bombed New York's Twin Towers and we got to see the horrific carnage live on the morning news. "Coming to you live from just down the street from the Twin Towers heart of New York's financial district..." We got to see real and actual people jumping from the burning buildings as they were trapped and rather then go alight in a postmodern incinerator, they chose to jump. Better to splat that cook. Yes all the seared into the national and personal psyche are memories of the 9/11/01 horror. We got to see Rudy Giuliani act his way to national prominence as mayor of New York and Giuliani was actually credible. Dang if'n Giuliani hasn't failed as a man of substance. I still find it curious that trump was nowhere to be found on that ugly if not memorable day. Hmmm, the 9/11 terrorists were working for...trump?!? No wonder that big deal and much ado about nothing 9/11/01 report was fetid bullshit turned into paper. Oh well and so it goes. Now for Monday machine art.
walt -
run -
the real Jim crow -
neglect -
beach -
richly deserved -
the bush cock-up turned out to be America's longest lasting failure at war...ever in the history of America's war failures. there have been several of those but don't take my word for any of this. do your research. or at the very least, google it. 😐
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