Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 From the folks with more than enough brainpower to know better, comes this - "fermionic quasiparticles disappear slowly." Quasiparticles?!? Alrighty then. I have absolutely no idea what in the hell the brainiacs kids are up about this time. "Fermionic quasiparticles?" I had to go and do a google search so's I could whip out an explanation for what might 'fermionic' actually mean. You know, for those of us way outside of the intelligentsia loop. Here goes -

Gosh, who knew. Not me obviously. I'm still uncertain how any of this might benefit our postmodern twenty-first century mildly retarded world. Evidently, 'fermion quasiparticles' are a really big deal with physicists. However, the science guys STILL have not given us flying cars and I've been waiting on my very own flying car for years. I am familiar with Enrico Fermi. Fermi was a world class physicist and there just so happens to be a Fermi Particle Accelerator outside of Chicago, Illinois. The Fermi Particle Accelerator crashes teeny tiny itty bitty little subatomic thingies into other teeny tiny itty bitty subatomic thingies just to see what the hell those collisions will do. Seems almost fascinating as long as you're not expected to read the following science papers that explain something or other about whatever it is the brainiac kids are trying to do. Fermion...sure sure. Now for Tuesday machine art. There will be no fermion quasiparticles or scientific papers to read. 

combat -

synonymous -

empty man -

tempting fate -

troll -

sadie -

I suppose that the brainiac kids did manage a contribution to our roiling in agony world. the kids gave me some ludicrous crap-o-la to prattle about. 😏

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