I had me some down time yesterday so I was mindlessly flipping through the tv channels. There was some weather news on THE Weather Channel about this hurricane that's been sitting in the Atlantic going nowhere. I mean this thing has been sitting and spinning for days. This hurricane going nowhere motif is driving the talking heads on TWC more than a little goofy so they're uttering nothing but drivel. Evidently this hurricane "was supposed to hit Floriduh" BUT and however the damn thing sits and spins and still refuses to move from its position in the Atlantic. That would be the Atlantic Ocean. You see Atlantic hurricanes are NOT supposed to just sit in the Atlantic and spin. No they are not. The Atlantic hurricanes are supposed to demolish islands in the Caribbean. You know like Cuba or Barbados or Aruba and then smash into Floriduh where the damages will be incalculable. Besides if there isn't any hurricane carnage, the weather kids have not a dang thing to prattle about. Pity that. The weather kids do like to prattle...on and on and on and...you can possibly catch my drift. Not Tokyo Drift. That would be a Vin Diesel movie and a lame effort at motion picture production to be specific. Anyway, watching this brainless crap-o-la reminded me of the movie the South Pacific and the song Happy Talky Talky. I'm completely clueless as to where that little memory drug itself down from. Or up from the bottomless well of mental detritus. So I guess that moment shall for the time present, remain a mystery. Besides what is life without a few memory mysteries. Now it's time to ante up the Thursday machine art. There will be no soundtracking from the movie South Pacific.
cha cha -
imagine -
eat -
confusion -
space command -
egret at nasa -
dang if'n we're not about having us some fun. or what... 😐
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