Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Ubiquitous Scrunchie

 The inventor of the "scrunchie" has bought the big one. And the farm. Taking a dirt nap. Bid this mortal coil a fond adieu. That's right, Rommy Hunt Revson invented the 'scrunchie' and is now resting peacefully in death. I don't know if Revson is resting peacefully or otherwise, I'm not dead yet. Not yet anyway. Tomorrow is a new day. Back to the 'scrunchie' lady. She was at one time married to some bozo that owned the Revlon complexity and when that bozo died, Ms. Revson evidently didn't get a dime from that extremely deep pocket and had to make things work on her own. And she did just that. The 'scrunchie' is ubiquitous all around our precious little blue planet. Back in the days when I had really long hair, I used a scrunchie. The scrunchie was handy as hell. Kept the curly dang locks in place and out of my face. So Ms. Rommy Hunt Revson has left her mark on our world and anyone with the long hair can thank Ms. Rommy for one quite valuable hair tool. Now for some Sunday machine artistry. 

obscura straight up -

a beautiful neighborhood -

let there be peace -

screen...Japanese or Chinese or whatever -

the neighbor lady upstairs -

with the sabbath being upon us, let us all feel sorry for the christians as, and according to the NPR webpage, the fuckers are a shrinking majority in America. yeah well maybe not sorry. christians are like a bad case of crabs that you just can't get rid of. 😆

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