Saturday, September 3, 2022

Soul Caps

 Women swimmers that compete on the world stage will now have a brand new and Olympics approved swim cap. The cap is for black women swimmers and possibly for anyone else that has thick, curly, braided, or otherwise 'textured' hair. Textured hair is a new one for ignorant and clueless me. I've always been of the opinion that hair grows and therefore you can pretty much do whatever it is you might in fact choose to do with the hair. I'm not including those suffering with that fiendishly icky "male pattern baldness." Once upon a time and way way back in the day, I grew my hair long. Really really long. My hair made it to the middle of my back when wet. Otherwise and after the old hair dried on account of getting wet, my hair would do it's curly up thing and made it just past my shoulders. It wasn't too very long that I just gave up the hair and went with the buzz cut. I wondered to myself why I'd waited so long to just cut the shit short and not worry about it a bit. I've stuck with the buzz cut ever since. Long hair is a pain in the ass to take care of. Wash, rinse, repeat, and then repeat again. Work work work work work! Now-a-days I simply scrub the old cabeza and I'm good to go. Anyway, the swim cap for women with hair issues is now "approved" and I'm of the opinion that black women swimmers can don the new swim cap and swim like dolphins like dolphins can swim. RIP David Bowie. Now for that Saturday machine art. No swimmer art is to be included. Maybe at some later time. To the artsy stuff.

terminus -

sweet -

evening -

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it would seem that all the Olympics crap has grown way too much for modern man. back in the day, the Olympics was not so bad and IF there wasn't any baseball to watch, Olympics could be at least something to watch. maybe. 👄 gold medal French kissing will premiere as a medal event in the next summer Olympics. can't wait for that...

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