Saturday, September 10, 2022

10 Days Of Mornings

 In the U.K. they've just started 10 days of mourning for the deceased Queen Elizabeth the Deuce. In the rest of our world, it'll be 10 days of mornings like always. A rather minor point but, dang, funerals and mourning and deathlike sadness is a real downer. So we'll just skip all that and when moments of "official sadness" are required, we'll deal with it then. So for now its Saturday machine art. Mourning is not required.

mojo -

Jezebel -

oy! -

fairly -

so with the demise of Lizzie the deuce, the U.K. is gonna have to print up a bank load of new currency. coins as well. I wonder how King Chuck is gonna look profiled on a 5 pound note? ☺

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