In the former Soviet Union that's now known as Russia, Vlad Putin who currently holds the position of 'Czar Vladimir' has unilaterally announced a "draft" for young Russian boys to head off to the Ukraine to fight in Vlad's war of naked aggression on Ukraine. Sorry about that first windy sentence. Might that be a run on sentence? Having failed 7th grade grammar, I neither know for sure OR I simply don't care and have never cared about the proper use of English. Considering the fact that I neither use or speak English, I speak the crude American, I could not give a shit less. About run on sentences or whatever. Anyway and back to the subject at hand, Russian laddies not wanting anything to do with Czar Vladimir's war on Ukraine, well, the young Russian laddies are heading for the borders of any number of countries that are unlucky enough to be conjoined to Russia. Sad state of global affairs no doubt. So and with young Russian laddies attempting to bolt the Russian scene for greener if not safer pastures anywhere BUT Russia, the current state of local affairs in Russia are a mite tense. With official Russia responding in typical Russian heavy handed response, arrests are being made and the protests against Czar Vladimir's war on Ukraine are picking up social momentum not seen in Russia...ever. Burn your draft cards boys! Hell NO they don't wanna go. "C'mon all you big strong Russian men, Uncle Vlad needs your help again..." or possibly for the first time. Think back to anti-war protests against the Vietnam war and Lyndon Baines Johnson. 'Hey Hey LBJ, how many boys have you killed today...' Russian boys? You are perfectly welcome to use those 60's anti-war slogans and change them up to suit your particular needs. We's simply tryin' to hep. (that would read help if I wasn't being a wise ass) Having to sacrifice one's young existence for some lunatic and warmongering politician really REALLY sucks and sucks hard. Okay now for some Sabbath machine artistry. You won't even have to dodge incoming shelling.
bird -
a polite reminder for the Russian kids -
speed of light -
dancer -
Russian kids might could head for Sweden but they're gonna have to get through Finland first. 😳
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