The U.K.'s Queen Elizabeth the Deuce has bid this mortal coil a fond adieu. At the ripe old age of 96. I'm not certain I'd care to age to 96. The older one gets, the more the old body offers up resistance and the consequences of wearing the moving parts out. There is all that AND the joys of karma for stupid shit committed while young. After all and it is said, youth is wasted on the young. So given a proper period of mourning for our now departed Lizzie the Deuce...we'll cut all this bullshit short and offer up nothing but art. Besides, I've a load of newly minted work and I really want to show it off.
classics -
row haus -
calm -
mirror-esque -
special -
Japanesque -
the U.K. is gonna have a busy two weeks ahead. a dead queen, a new prime minister, a new king, AND wildfires du jour. damn if'n that all don't about suck. 😐
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