At the United Nations headquarters in New York City...New York City?...yes New York City, the annual meeting of heads of state and world law-dee-dah elites gather each and every September to make their respective cases for continued membership in THE United Nations General Assembly. What all that b.s. boils down to is...a whole lot of blah blah blah and miscellaneous blunder with occasional outbursts of incoherent falderal and the ever so popular "I'm really important, I really am." Presidents, Prime Ministers, almost prime ministers, dictator/generals, various and assorted war criminals with a dash of sultans and the like are gathered for a week of wine, dancing, and song with dancing. It's September kids and the big boys are gathered to point accusatory fingers at one another and peacock for the vast global media concerns. Which brings us to my case in point. The Shaw of Iran, President Ebrahim Raisi who holds the title of the 'Shaw of Iran' courtesy of Iran's Supremely Glorious Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who just so happens to have been lucky enough to be mentored in atrocity by the original Supremely Glorious Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei who was the bane of Iran way back in the day and ended all presidential aspirations of one former President Jimmy 'peanuts' Carter. That and Khomenei made Ronny Raygun look like a liar and an asshole. Anyway, Shaw Raisi had been scheduled to do an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour but, Raisi cancelled on account of Ms. Amanpour refused to wear the hijab. Evidently the hijab is some kind of big deal in Iran. Turns out that Ms. Amanpour was not in Iran and she was not even close to Iran AS Ms. Amanpour was at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, for a sit-down with the Shaw of Iran Ebrahim Raisi. Funny thing and possibly ironic, Christiane Amanpour is Iranian and American (at least I think she's an American and if I'm incorrect on that account...oh well). You see Ms. Amanpour isn't about to concede any points to Raisi and if the "Shaw of Iran" doesn't want to sit down for an interview with Ms. Amanpour...oh dang if'n that ain't about tough shit. So and in conclusion, our world's big cheeses and tin pot dictators being gathered at the General Assembly does NOT change a gaddanged thing. Wars still rage, women and children are slaughtered daily, and life grinds on and interminably on. The United Nations is mostly about being a dog and pony performance that means mostly nada. Oh well... Now for some Friday machine art and one doesn't has to wear a goddamn hijab or burka or whatever bullshit apparel is trendy in the Mooselim world of late. And here we go -
gazeteer -
dorado -trifecta -cabaret -I could suppose that the U.N. is sort of like a cabaret. crappy ass political histrionics, social irrelevance, global slaughter, and ain't we just so grateful to have a United Nations... whatever. 👃 that's a nose for holding while the U.N. is in session. Not former Senator Jeff Sessions. say...whatever happened to good old Beauregard?