Saturday, September 14, 2024

Yeah ... He's Cuckoo Alright

 Elong Musk is pitching a man-fit over Australia's impending fines on Musk's tweeter thingy. Musk's tweeter thingy is now referred to as 'X'. I'm not at all familiar with Musk's fascination with all things 'X'. Anyway, Australia is proposing legislation that will fine Musk's 'X' whatever that is, for peddling lies and fabrications disguised as "truth." Those fines will be seriously serious. You see Elong Musk would not know truth if the truth crept up behind him and bit him on the ass. Besides Musk being a "billionaire", Musk is a bit of a loose cannon and tends to shoot off his whiny mouth at just about any turn of a corner or phrase or you know ... whatever. Good old Elong is so incensed at Australia, Musk called them (labeled them?) "fascists!" That's rich coming from Musk. Musk is all about 'demock-racy' when the mood strikes the pelican, but when the Musk-rat is being held to his own vocalized standard ... well ... he singing a different tune. Here is a photag of the Musk-rat doing what Musk does best.

Our world is sadly enslaved to the likes of Gumby Trump, Elong Musk, Tommy Tuba-villain, and an assortment of various assholes of one degrading shade or another. Now it is time for Saturday machined artware.

antlers -

motel -

versus -

herness -

queen for a day -

sequoia -

short wave -

doom -

old Elong likes launching rockets and people in his rockets into space ... however ... Elong has not once taken a ride on or in his rocket. I wonder why that is ... 😕

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