Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Who Let The Bulls Out

 Dateline Attleboro, Massachusetts ... North Attleboro, Massachusetts, a hotbed for rodeo action in Massachusetts, had a for real western style stampede with their rodeo as 8 rodeo bulls broke down the enclosure the bulls were being kept in and proceeded to rain bullshit all over North Attleboro with spectators cheering the bulls on and cheering first responders attempting to corral the escaped bulls. Quite the outside the rodeo spectacle. Upon the bulls breakout from their corral, the bulls "streaked into a parking lot and headed (herded?) towards the woods behind BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse." The following timelines chronicle the tale of 'escaped bulls reign of terror on Attleboro' -

On or about 4:30 p.m., six of the remaining bulls were found stuck behind a fence at a Prescott Street home in Attleboro. North Attleboro Fire and police first responders with a qualified team of rodeo hands safely corralled six of the bulls and were able to get the bulls into a trailer. A crowd of people cheered the spectacle. One "Gee Sounthonevat remarked, I had a legit rodeo in my backyard. I stepped out of my house and realized that this was not horses in my yard. Sounthonevat rounded up his dogs, rounded up his kids, and the family watched out the family room window as the bulls leisurely roamed his backyard." The Sounthonevat children got out their Nerf guns, laid the guns out in a respectable mode and prepared to Nerf the bejesus out of rodeo bulls. One resident name of Mooney insisted, "I'm glad they didn't hit the pool or nothing else. The backyard fence stopped the bulls and Mooney is glad no one was hurt. "There's a lot of kids around here, we don't want seeing hurt."

8:00 p.m. and all bulls are recovered with one bull still on the loose. At some undisclosed time later the last bull is recovered and North Attleboro is safe once again. Organizers of the rodeo are questioned about what had happened but, they refused to comment. No doubt. Some one is going to pay for damage caused by runaway bulls and that will fall squarely on rodeo organizers. The important part in all of the chaos, everyone in Attleboro, North et al, is safe and all bulls AND children are accounted for. Shit like this hardly ever happens in Wyoming where rodeo is a religious festival and barbecue follows all the rodeo festivities. 

Rodeo North Attleboro, Massachusetts is a wrap for September 2024 and now we segue to Tuesday machined artware ...

alice -

belyn -

new -

inspect -

anne -

cardio -

dr. whom -

misspell -

I did not know that Attleboro, Massachusetts was a hotbed for rodeo hijinx. just goes to show that there's always something right around the bend that offers up a surprise. 😐

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