Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Humpday's War News

 The last Wednesday in September 2024 and there's war darn near everywhere. That's not news. Israel is targeting Lebanon and that's hardly news. Israel takes great pride in bombing helpless and defenseless people and the Israeli freaks commit crimes against humanity with impunity. In the more recent war updates, Iran is making arrangements to send Russian missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen that have been about the business of making war on Saudi backed Yemenis and a more recent announcement that the Houthis are "at war with Israel." Houthi rebels are a thorn in the side of Saudi Arabia who insists that Houthis are "really icky" and therefore shouldn't be given implements of war. However, Houthis manage to acquire implements of war and ample supplies of those implements of war and now those "icky Houthis" will have Russian missiles and the United States is sending military personnel to Israel just because. Houthi FYI - 

Houthi insurgency, also known as the Houthi rebellion, the Sa'dah War or the Sa'dah conflict, was/is a military rebellion pitting Zaidi Shia Houthis against Yemen's military that began in Northern Yemen and has since escalated into a full-scale civil war.

In all the Middle Eastern war news we probably should not forget Russia's war of naked aggression on Ukraine. Ukraine is on the verge of receiving heavy duty industrial strength missiles from NATO which is of course, the U.S.A., and won't that just sit well with the Russians and give our world's shared humanity more shit to worry about than all the worrisome shit to worry over previously. Dang if'n we ain't about having some fun now. Time for Wednesday machined artware and someone cue the camel please. 

close -

bambi meets the g-man -

straw -

game -

adapt -

moons -

mine too -

van gogh -

with so much war happening all around our world, it sort of becomes guesswork as to where the next dust up rears it's war-ugly head. China v Taiwan is certainly up for a run. Sudan is already at war. Ethiopia v Eritrea is on then off then on again. We shouldn't leave the western hemisphere out of the war scenario. Brazil and Venezuela just might have a go and Columbia will want a piece of that. so what we have here is ... war to the right of us and war to the left of us and so it goes. 😐

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