Friday, September 6, 2024

As Our World Watches

 Today's episode of 'As Our World Watches' finds Palestine still under the genocidal boot of Israel. Bibi and Shmoli consider new ways to torture young Palestinian children. Yair and Ehud are still planning to travel to Argentina for an "extended vacation" as the workings of war crimes and killing fields is tiresome like you wouldn't believe. Over in the Sudan, stalemate meets underarmed freedom fighters and no one really wants to get fully involved in that nasty dust up, simply because there's "black folk" at war and they's just icky. Ukraine managed to get in a couple of good licks on Vlad and the Rooskies, but Ukraine simply hasn't enough wherewithal to finish up the fight. Not really and that is being fair about the contest. Now with the United States giving the Ukrainians strategic stealth long range missiles that might offer the Ukrainians a slight advantage, any actual use will only aggravate an already festering situation so ... we'll just have to wait and watch the next installment of 'As Our World Watches'. Now for an exciting and action packed installment of Friday machined artware.

disturbed -

cozy -

mutineer -

bounty -

lucy -

table -

sorcery -

summon -

did you know that Canada hasn't had to fight in a war for a while now? well that is if you don't consider the war on Canada's indigenous populations. because, well ... you know ... 😐

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