Thursday, September 26, 2024

Really Really Really Old ...

 Scientists have "discovered" our world's oldest cheese. Wow. Evidently Chinese embalmers were slapping cheese spread on Chinese mummies and then proceeding to entomb those mummies. I'm not certain if this was an aging process or a tale of using what was available on a stiff. According to those "scientists", the mummified cheese would be 3,500 years old. I guess that would be real 'aged' cheese and I am a bit curious how this loopy crap is news. Wow. In other parts of our world, a man gets arrested and charged for tossing a bomb into a Santa Maria, California courthouse. This little slice of violent insanity is recorded happening Wednesday. Hmmm, that would have been yesterday. Also more violent insanity happening in Tempe, Arizona on Monday last, the windows of the Democrat's Party headquarters in Tempe were shot out and this was the second time in just weeks. Hmmm, seems the inmates are getting hostile and goaded on by trump. Shit will get really scary nuts as our Nation crawls closer to November's election on the first Tuesday of. Listen kids, keep your heads on a swivel, you just can't know where and/or when some asshole screwy freak starts tossing bombs, or launching bullets fired from those ever so popular with the lunatic fringe, AR-15 assault style weapons. How about we dispense with the lunacy and break out that Thursday machine art.

fullness -

double -

witness -

testify -

home -

tri-level -

parted -

torn -

our word of the day for Thursday is 'wetback'. for further explanation check with Dr. Henry Louis Gates. catch phrase would be "operation wetback." shun violence people, it leads to nowhere but trouble. 😐

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