Sunday, September 29, 2024

Black Nazi Burns ...,

 More atrocious antics from America's current incarnation of 'republicans', this time out of North Carolina. The republican candidate running for governor of N.C. in this election cycle 2024, is a black man that bills himself as a "black nazi." I could not speculate as to why this loon would do a thing such as that, but, the guy is evidently proud of his statement. The guy's name is Mark Robinson and if you were merely looking at name association here, well, you might think the guy is just another white republican candidate that might not be as insane as oh say a J.D. Vance. Anyway, America's current black nazi candidate for governor of North Carolina set himself on fire at the 'Mayberry Truck Show' and the guy set himself on fire to the tune of having to be hospitalized. The black nazi's political handlers refused to release any details of how exactly Mr. Nazi set himself on fire. Mayberry, North Carolina you may or may not remember from back in days of 'Andy of Mayberry' and 'Gomer Pyle M.C.' and these days Mayberry holds a truck show. A new twist to the 'aw shucks corn fed bubbas' that are indigenous to North Carolina. So the 'black nazi' guy set himself alight, went to hospital for treatment of burns sustained and vowed to be back on the North Carolina campaign trail on Saturday. Burns and all. It is glaringly obvious that just about all the republicans running for elective office this election cycle 2024 are straight up insane, corrupt, dictatorial, felony convicted to the tune of 34 counts, squirrelly, batshit crazy, and really really creepy. I'm thinking that trump will have to go some to top North Carolina's "black nazi" candidate for governor. 'Black nazi' ... gosh, that doesn't take much in the old brain department to come up with a line that stupid. Now for Sunday machine art. 

solstice -

river -

candle -

accord -

supremes -

roberts court -

dulcinea -

darkly -

I've witnessed a number of election campaigns over my sojourn here on Planet Earth and campaign 2024 is about the single most absurd and a rude affront to American values (?) that have slipped from the purview of Americana to date. damn if'n we ain't havin' us some fun ... 😐

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