Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Did Not Know ...

 Did you know that there is a 'Midsomer Murders' channel? 'Midsomer Murders' is a British murder mystery program that's been running for close to thirty years almost non stop. The 'Murders' program airs on PBS channels and we get two PBS channels out here in the Mojave. Anyway, there's a 'Midsomer Murders' channel that runs separately from PBS and stands on its own. Almost thirty years of 'Midsomer' can stack up a load of episodes and therefore the 'Midsomer' channel is born and runs endless episodes of 'Midsomer Murders' back to back to back and my wife enjoys the 'Midsomer'. My wife enjoys murder mysteries and there's also the 'Poirot' Agatha Christie's character my wife enjoys reading stories of and watching episodes of when those episodes air on PBS. There really is a point to all this screeding blah blah blah and the point is coming up right about now. I'm hammering away on the old keyboard and the wife has 'Midsomer' on the tube and by golly, there's a very very young Orlando Bloom playing the part of a young ne're do well and womanizer that perpetrates a load of village burglaries, shags some of the village young women and wives and meets a rather nasty end from a pitch fork being jammed into his, Bloom's, chest. So I'm sort of almost but not quite paying attention to the tube and my wife mentions a young actor that seems familiar and that's when I bothered to pay a bit more attention to the program. Sure enough, that's Orlando Bloom playing the part of the young ne'er do well that gets jabbed with a pitch fork and so much for starting out in show biz. Orlando Bloom is now world famous for his parts in the 'Lord of the Rings' marathon and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise Disney series. Show biz is like that, actors male and female have to start somewhere. The intriguing aspect to all this would be the discovery of a 'Midsomer Murders' channel. I did not know ... Now for Thursday machined artware ... I do know about that.

doggy -

mechanize -

lou -

devices -

moebi -

nanort -

trooper -

turns out there are more program channels airing on television than is humanly possibly to watch while binging, wasting time, or simply being a television zombie with nothing more on the mind than boredom. there's a Carol Burnett channel ... after all, choices is what America is all about. 😐

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