Saturday, September 28, 2024

Red Lines ala Hurricane Holocaust

 Vlad the Putin has issued his "red line" warning to Europe and the United States that should any nation giving support to Ukraine in the form of long range missiles and should one of those "supplied missiles" strike Russian soil, well, Vlad will unleash nuclear horror ala nuclear holocaust on Europe and the United States and nuclear shit will hit ever last fan on or around Planet Earth and so it goes. "Nuclear red lines" are meant to scare the bejesus out of anyone concerned as well it should. I doubt that Putin is as unhinged as would be trump but ... these days you just never know. Trump is alleged to have enjoyed Russian hookers peeing on the guy and Vlad allegedly supplied those Russian hookers and watched trump enjoy his shower. I suppose that should indicate that trump is truly more unhinged than Putin. However all of that could be a clear cut case of sixes. You know, six of one then half a dozen of another. The U.S. and NATO have already supplied long range missiles to Ukraine and Russia knows that. The U.S. and NATO have supplied those missiles with the understanding that Ukraine may not now nor in the near term future use those missiles UNLESS the U.S. and NATO grants Ukraine permission to launch. The missiles on Russia. Damnably dangerous gamble no doubt. For just about every last living thing on our planet. Russia launches a nuke on anyone and all nuclear weapons held clandestinely by every damn nation we know of will unleash those nukes for paybacks on whomever. Welcome to 'Cold War Version 2.0' and having lived through the first Cold War, I'm thinking reliving that bullshit is not about to be as fun as the first time. Back to "hurricane holocaust", a rather nasty hurricane just swept through Florida and the "South" and the damage left looks eerily similar to nuclear damage without all the lasting effects of radiation. There wasn't near the loss of life that would occur with a nuclear exchange but there was plenty of death to go around and keep the makers of body bags working happily with some meaty overtime pay and that kept the workers in charge of cranking out those body bags happy as hurricane sifted clams. Now for Saturday machine art.

ozzy -

ostracize -

couch -

odyssey -

gather -

airstat -

eden -

waters -

I'm not so certain that Russian generals would allow Putin to unleash the nukes. simple meteorological math would rain all the unleashed radiation right back on Russia and that would be like Putin cutting off his nose to spite his face. I think so anyway ... 😐

p.s. - all clams live mostly happy lives until ... until the little tykes get dug up so's some beach going fruit loop can eat the teeny dickens. bummer for the clams no doubt.

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