Sunday, September 22, 2024

Set The Dang Forest On Fire

 Way back in the day, Smokey Bear reminded everyone ... "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires." Smokey Bear was serious about that and given today's smoke choked skies and cardio-pulmonary systems at serious risk, well, perhaps an updated reminder is in order. So as things turn horribly wrong in these are sadly troubling times, a California fire fighter has been arrested and charged with arson for starting five, yes 5, forest fires and Smokey Bear is shocked to the bottom of his fire fighting boots. Turns out one Robert Hernandez of Healdsburg, California, has been arrested and accused of setting five fires on forest land in Sonoma County, California and that's just the California fires in August 2024. Hernandez was arrested at the Howard Forest Fire Station near Fair Oaks and I'm thinking that is probably in a northern part of California. According to CAL FIRE, Cal Fire Director/Fire Chief Joe Tyler, "I am appalled to learn one of our employees would violate the public's trust and attempt to tarnish the tireless work of the 12,000 men and women of CAL FIRE." I should think so. According to reports in the San Francisco Chronie, Hernandez is pleading with authorities to NOT be planted in a cell with Smokey Bear. Golly ... why might Hernandez ask that? Given the amount of environmental damage caused, time spent fighting those five forest fires, the physical toll on fire fighters and California residents displaced by those fires, and all the dang smoke that lingers in the air over here in the Mojave Desert, well, toss that firebug freak in a cell with Smokey and be done with him. Asshole ...!!! Now for Sunday machined artware and there shall be football today. 

vision -

coastal -

glitch -

digital -

sisters -

order -

visionary -

freakish -

FYI follow up ... a 'glitch' happens when the digital crap won't digitize as per intended so's the IT guys get called in and that's when the real fun ensues. you see the IT guys are more often than not, wholly clueless and are making shit up as they plod along trying to convince people that they, the IT guys, actually know what the fuck they're doing. they (the IT guys) really don't know what they're doing and I've seen that in practical application. 😐

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