Friday, September 20, 2024

Life ... Death ... Whatever ...

 So and according to "researchers" there is more to life than death. Yup. Those "researchers" have been working overtime to re-animate dead animal tissue cells and according to "researchers" those dead animal cells will come back to life after the proper laboratory and Frankenstein protocols are applied to the cells. Gosh, who would have thought that in this here stage of human evolution, "researchers" would be trying to make the Frankenstein protocol a real thing. A professor from the University of Washington in Seattle and one guy name of Pozhitkov (pronounced poe-shit-cough) from City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California are about the business of playing Dr. Frankenstein and have re-animated dead animal cells and actually got those dead cells to live and turn into something those dead cells were not while alive. Wow. I'm not certain where the "researchers" are headed with this foolery but, I'm of the opinion that this will turn out badly. For hell sakes, read the book. You know, Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' story. Oh yes and the "researchers" have declared that there is a third state of existence. Life, death, and whatever ... ? At the very least, there will be about four maybe five 'made for television' movies about this crap-o-la and probably at least a dozen made for immediate release movies available on pay-per-view. I have to admit one thing, the account did offer up some distraction from the usual daily dose of bullshit. I'm of the opinion that was the intent all along. Now for Friday machined artware and then it's weekend.

chaos -

first -

koya -

anasqatsi -

haight -

2030 -

rooted -

bones -

as the news about the "researchers" research hits the national media circus, you can bet the maga morons will go absolutely ballistic, grab up torches, pitchforks, head for Duerte, California so's they can burn the evil that is 'Frankenstein's Re-Animation 2024'. 😐

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