Monday, April 1, 2024

Apocalypso She Come She Go

 Easter Sunday came and went and even the Pope got out and did his Catholic Easter pope stuff and then went back into his papal seclusion. The Pope has been MIA in any number of spiffy Catholic thingies. Pope Frankie is getting old and all the papal crap is wearing him down. I could imagine that's why I'm not the Pope. I'm not Catholic so ... there is that. Anyway, the star spangled klanners, magas, Nazis, AIPACers, and those ever so annoying pentecostangelical christians had to put up with another disappointing Easter as the silly freaks didn't get their "rapture" or 'apocalypso' or none their highly anticipated bullshit. Poor deluded souls no doubt. Anyway today would be Monday the very first day of April 1, 2024 and therefore 'tis April Fools day so get on out there and make a fool of yourself. It's easy if you try. Now for our Monday segment and machine art.

joan de ark -

fantasy -

mariner -

over zone -

vlad -

fantasia -

pear -

munch -

I read that the IRS has declared that tax returns must be returned in exactly two weeks. yup. the IRS has reverted back to the original filing deadline and according to the IRS NO ONE will be allowed any extensions and/or whatever. EXCEPT for the really wealthy Bezos, Musk, and Billy Gates kind of wealthy. you see, they actually own American and for all us untermenschen, well, we're allowed to live here as long as we keep paying rent ... april fools  😐

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