Wednesday, December 21, 2022

This Is It

 Yes my friends, today is the official 'winter solstice' and today will be the shortest day, allowing for sunlight, of year 2022. It is a given that the notion of our year being 2022 is mostly a common acquiescence. Other cultures have very different notions of what year it may in fact be. Whatever. Just about all cultures can agree that winter's solstice is on or about December 21, 2022. For this year anyway. Winter's solstice for 2022 will be at exactly 1:47 p.m. and that's in Pacific Standard Time. I happen to live in the Pacific Time Zone so...that's what I use for all time keeping issues. That and keeping track of solstices and equinoxes. After all, we have a vernal equinox, a summer solstice, an autumnal equinox, and our happening today winter solstice at the already given time. That's all I've got for this fine Wednesday. Oh yes and today would be hump day so, make of it what you will. Or not. Hardly matters. Now for that ever so popular machine art segment.

in the garden of flemish delights -

cosmic capers -

cemetery in Paris -

festive -

celebrate light. t'is the season for celebrating light so...light things up! 😉

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