Friday, December 23, 2022

Some Really Bad News

 The BBC announced yesterday that Santa Claus is dead and buried in Ireland. I read the article and came to the conclusion that the Irish are merely raining on the Xmas dreams of children everywhere. Good old St. Nick is, according to the BBC, dead and buried in an abandoned churchyard in Jerpoint Park which is 20 kilometers south of Kilkenny, Ireland and is now mostly abandoned. Except of course for a couple that farm the Jerpoint Park on 120 acres of Irish farmland. Dang, Santa is dead and buried in Ireland?!? I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this news and the BBC and the Irish that happen to live around Jerpoint Park are going to have to put up some accurate and for reals...FACTS! Prove it Jerpoint Park Irish people, prove it. Put up OR shut the fuck up. Dang if'n the release of this crap-o-la at this time of year isn't more than  gaddanged nasty and mean news. Mean spirited and utterly 'grinch-like'. What the hell is to be proven by telling all the little kiddies that Santa is dead and buried in Ireland. What, damn all your Irish eyes, is your point? Irish eyes are squinting mean this holiday season. I find this news to be even more devastating than the "bomb cyclone" freeze your damn ass off weather reports piling higher than a Wyoming snow drift. Santa...DEAD??? Are you freaking kidding me? Bastards and mean damn bastards at that. Now for some Friday machine art. Not to worry kids, Santa will make his annual visit regardless of anything the Irish and BBC try to do or say. Nothing is sacred and not anymore. 

crosstown traffic -

rock and roll -

possibility -

absentia -

so what the hell is the BBC and Ireland gonna do next...claim there's isn't an Easter Bunny?😠

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