Thursday, December 15, 2022

Take Christmas Out Of Christmas

Donald Trump gave an interview to 'Wing Nut Media Associates' and in that interview, Trump indicated that IF he were elected President again he would take the Christmas out of Christmas. Trump also indicated that with Christmas becoming more and more expensive for his lunatic fringe followers, eliminating Christmas would bolster the loonies and help his running for office in 2024. Trump added that should he win the Republican nomination, he would "go after Joe Biden for his blatant support of Christmas." Trump also is sporting a new logo hat that reads 'MAFOC'. The 'mafoc' acronym stands for 'Make America Free Of Christmas'. CNN's new hire of Chris Wallace formerly of FauxNews said, "this new stunt is not going to help Trump's cause one bit." There you have it. Big news and on a Thursday no less. Go figure. Now for our Thursday installment of machine art. Christmas, or no Christmas is for the most part meaningless either way. The actual Christmas event has never really been celebrated in America and what passes as Christmas these days is mere hypocrisy and fodder for the holiday entrepreneurs and their corporate overlords that pocket big bank every Christmas spending season. 

canals of Venice, California -

tangled vines -

empty -

existence? -

sinister spinsters -

by the way, there really is a Venice, California and yes Venice, California has canals. 😎

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