Friday, December 16, 2022

Not Since Nixon

 Not since the days of Richard Nixon has there been an American president, living or the other thing, as dead damn stupid as Donald Trump. Won't be too much longer and the trump scion (scion means among various other things, the kids) will have to take matters into their own hands and put daddy donny in a rest home. That is IF the silly freak isn't already in prison. Either way. So...trump announced today that he is releasing 'trump super hero' trading cards and the cards depict trump in a super hero costume with cape and loads of spangled graphic stripes and shit like that there. I'm posting a screen capture of trump in his "super hero" costume right about now -

I read about trump's antics yesterday and I spit all over the front of my shirt laughing. You see I'd been nursing a cup of coffee and reading at the same time. I was grateful that I didn't spit on my keyboard. According to the 'trump' release, there's a whole "pack" of these contrived cards and each card can ring in at $99.00 dollars per card. Oh yeah the comedy on this bonehead stunt will give us hysterical pleasure at least through the holiday season. I'm firmly of the opinion that trump is out of his goddamn mind. That is my opinion only but it might be a good idea for trump to get a psychiatric diagnosis for the possible onset of dementia. I'm fairly certain that the late night tv hosts will have a field day with the trump cards thing. That's meant to be funny. "Trump cards"... get it? It's a play on card games and insane former U.S. presidents. Trump couldn't fit into a 'super hero' costume to save his sagging and tired old ass and not even on a bet. To see trump in a super hero costume could be the stuff of nightmares. Yikes!!! Now for Friday machine art. I can make up the machine art stuff. I couldn't have made up the trump bullshit if my life depended on it. Holy crap if'n that ain't about funny and I mean really roaring funny.

clue -

Anastasia -

wizardry -

wrangler -

years -

a reader can take it from me...ten years will slip by so amazingly fast you really won't believe it until ten years are gone. 😕

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