Sunday, December 18, 2022

Leaks And Away!

 The much fought over Keystone pipeline has sprung a leak. Again! Gosh it isn't like people didn't see that coming. Nah... The Keystone pipeline transports oil sludge. To be industry specific, that oil sludge is lovingly called "diluted bitumen." 'Bitumen' is quite specifically, viscous hydrocarbons that are usually used for road surfacing and roofing. So in this instance, the bitumen is mixed with oil sludge and then jammed into the Keystone pipeline for transport to Texas. Well doesn't that just figure. There were any number of reasons why that godawful pipeline was protested against. The very best of the reasons against are summed up in one elegant screen shot that is posting right about here -

The image grab is from the NPR webpage. Isn't that a lovely sight? Hell no way is that anything other than a high crime against American environment. You see this 'diluted bitumen' is damn near impossible to clean up. Isn't that special? This environmental disaster is courtesy of TC Energy. A quasi-Canadian oil consortium hellbent on raking in piles of energy monies and fucking up the North American continent. This hellish brew is extracted in Alberta, Canada and pumped south to the "gulf coast." Yes that is ever so extra special. To be fair (?) and almost impartial, I'm posting an "official TC Energy" news bulletin and that's about right here -

Sorry about the sizing, I took a screen grab and had to juggle the image sizing just a touch. TC Energy pleads "mea culpa mea maxia culpa." Yeah yeah...sure sure. So the sorry folks in Kansas and the Kansas farmer that had his pasture ruined will just have to suck it up. Literally. Not to worry though, TC Energy is on the job. Really. They say so in the real tiny print right up there a bit. Now for some Sunday machine art and absolutely NO diluted bitumen was spilled in our fairly clean process of cranking out machine art. What a mess! The Keystone leak and not machine art.

Times Square -

indifference -

miners (wow is that ironic or what) -

star -

Lady Godiva's ride -

I could suppose that any further debate about our Planet being raped for energy resources is end of story. the pipeline leak images speak the necessary volumes as to why that manner of shit needs to end. NOW!!! 😡

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