Friday, April 2, 2021

Friday And That's A 'Good' Thing

Yes my friends, it's 'Good Friday' and other than this Friday marks the end of a work week, well I'm not certain what else might be good about it. If one pisses off the Romans on a Friday, one might get themselves crucified. That has happened before and probably should never happen again. I mean...crucified? That's pretty dang harsh. Of course occidental christians will celebrate today as the day that Jesus was crucified. Not Orthodox christians, nope. The Orthodox christians will celebrate some other Friday on account of Orthodox christians have a "different" liturgical calendar. As for Coptic christians, I believe their liturgical calendar more closely resembles a Jewish calendar. I'm not certain if any Jewish calendar would be orthodox or reformed. So the problem with 'Good Friday' and those ever so wacky christians is their count of the number of days that Jesus was crucified dead, buried or entombed if you prefer, and then reappeared upon resurrection. You see IF Jesus was crucified on a Friday and was buried just before sunset which is how Jews back then buried their dead and how Muslims bury their dead now and the Muslims have not a thing to do with Easter so...Jesus gets buried on a Friday at sunset then spends three days in that tomb so let's count those days. Friday late afternoon until Saturday late afternoon that would be one day. Then Saturday late afternoon to Sunday late afternoon that would make two days and then as the christians maintain on the third day Jesus rose from the dead at sunrise on Easter Sunday, well that's not exactly three days... is it. Jesus would have to have risen from the dead on a Monday and that would be three yes count them three days dead and buried. Whoopsies and Houston we have us a problem. The problem would be that occidental christians do NOT know how to count. Goodness me, it would seem that occidental christians are more than a mite gullible if not outright stupid. Stupid when it comes to counting the days. Of course none of this matters whatsoever. Fridays are good and Fridays are bad and that all depends on one's attitude. You know positive and optimistic versus negative and pissy. It isn't just occidental christians, Orthodox christians, Coptic christians, Jews, or Muslims they all of them have "issues" with their living out what they profess to be 'faith/truth'. Or their versions of 'faith/truth'. Problematic no doubt. Anyway, be sure to leave your children out of liturgical calendarism and leave the children to figure out personal dogma and stuff like that there for themselves. The children will figure it out on their own and don't need the adults jamming personal beliefs down their little throats. Any number of instances where the adults were jamming personal beliefs down their children's throats have lead to mass murder/shootings and our world simply does NOT need any more of that crap. No it/we do not. Anyway lastly, have a good Friday and don't waste an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what the hell christians are carrying on about. It makes no mathematical sense. Friday machine art is coming up right about now -

trio de fleur -

on Waldo's pond -

it's the weekend and the weather is springy for sure. sun shines superman... :]

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