Sunday, February 16, 2025


 Once upon a time, presidents of the United States of America were well respected and trusted to safeguard our world from evil nasty and icky dang terrorististas and ne'er-do-wells that ordinarily are shot on sight and forgotten, Then came the Bush II regime, 9/11/01, the wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, and all those prickish al Qaeda types and the associates of various stripes that comprise Islam gone wrong. Yeah the Bush II regime fucked our world up royally and have never or to date been held to account. The failure to hold junior Bush to account opened the doors for an asshat like trump to weasel himself into a second shot at bringing the American Democratic Republic to an untimely demise. The freak is well on his way to accomplish what Nixon, RayGun, and junior Bush were unable to do. Damn if'n we ain't about luckless or what. A tale of feckless treason and judicial whoredom gone apeshit and so ... here we all sit wondering how the fuck it is ex-Presidents Clinton and Obama can sit silent on the sidelines watching the rape of Lady Liberty and it seems damn callous that these ex presidents do nothing. Nothing at all. I suppose that 'we the people' will need to sort this godawful mess out and while there seems loads of complaints, there has been little in the way of effective leadership for a resistance. Damn I think that sucks ... Sunday machine art is up right about now.

space -

palisade -

jungian -

zen -

flash -

choir -

odysseus -

carry for -

trump is barely into his first month as potus. by the end of his first year, we will have been sold down a river of no return and shit out of luck. 😐

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