The trump shitshow continues unabated with his latest raving going something like this - 'Trump laid out his position in the tweet posted on Saturday afternoon, after a round of golf at his Florida resort. The quote, as internet sleuths soon discovered, is a version of a phrase attributed to Napoleon' “Celui qui sauve sa patrie ne viole aucune loi,” translated as: “who saves his country violates no law”. excerpt from the Guardian SO ... should someone implant a bullet from an ... oh say ... an AK-47 ...directly inside trump's head well ... as long as the shooter had the good of America in mind, the shooter would not have broken any law and could very well be given a 'Presidential Medal of Freedom'. Theoretically of course. I don't want to be making any Pavlovian predictions or encouraging anyone to go rogue on trump ... oh no we shouldn't want that now should we ... ? Besides it's hard to know where the intrepid goons working at CIA or NSA or Homeland Security or ICE or even our good friends at the FBI will want to side up with given the madness of "dear leader." Oh yes I shouldn't forget the Secret Service who must be relishing their job of presidential security right about now. Oh yeah ... they certainly must be. Now for some Monday and Presidents Day machine art. (the Presidents Day holiday does not apply to trump)
melting -
wet 3 -
sculpt 2-
sitting -
shorts -
shock -
b & w -
miss -
media outlets are picking up the chant ... "constitutional crisis ..." holy jesus holy jesus these ridiculous cowards are quick on the up take ... 😐
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