Friday, February 14, 2025

Fear And Loathing In ... Amerika?

 El Presidente der Fuhrer trump continues his slash and gash attack on Federal Government and that would be "we the people's" Federal Government and without help from Congress no less. Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, are a solid majority behind trump's obsession to 'make Amerika grossly obscene' (mago not to be confused with magoo) and that solid majority isn't really much of a majority. That House majority is by five republican seats and the Senate majority is by two seats. However, the slimmest of majorities is all that is needed to bring Amerika as we know it to a painful demise. So long land of the free and home of the bitterly divided, we knew you not very well at all. Election 2024 gave the terminus to any chance for Amerika to achieve history and elect the first woman as President and so it goes. Now we all must hold our noses as trump drains his swamp all over these amber waves of bullshit and that's about it folks. Now for Friday machine art. 

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I do find it curious that former Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden have remained ominously silent as trump rides roughshod over our government. yes quite curious ... 😐

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